~When it's raining~

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•Edd would just draw since he finds it relaxing and you would watch him and talk about things as time passes
•Maybe even play board games too
•You would listen to music in Edd's room and draw, read whatever you like
•Soon enough you both cuddle:)

•You both might be in the living room watching the tv
•Matt might be outside playing in the rain like a little child until he slips 0-0
•Might as well cuddle until you both fall asleep because the rain makes the house look a little dark and it sounds pretty much quiet:)

•You would be in his room just laying down in bed with him, talking about stupid things you both did
•He'll sing you songs he made just for you, while it rains
•Both just walk around since you both don't want to get wet outside
•Best part, you both play sunshine lollipops around the house to torture Tord:)

•Maybe you both are watching movies since you both can't go outside
•You bake cookies for him because he wanted some
•He'll be showing you new skills he learned
•You'll both talk about random things
•And oh boy, Tord will be annoying Tom which you know what happens then-_-
•Before any fight happens,you dragged him into his room and tied him up
•Problem solved:)

《• Eddsworld x Reader scenarios •》Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon