•~chapter nineteen: photo booth~•

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Kanao was sitting at her desk, fidgeting even as the bell rang. She stayed in her seat for so long, that Tanjiro looked at her and decided to ask her a question.

"Aren't you going home, Kanao~san?" Tanjiro asked curiously. Kanao had been deep in thought and was feeling conflicted, but she had been jolted out of her thoughts by Tanjiro's sudden question.

She quickly scribbled something down in her notebook and she slammed it down onto the desk. It read, I heard photo booths are popular.

Tanjiro sweatdropped at this. I believe photo booths were popular last century, Kanao~san. he thought.

He responded to her message by saying, "Well, I guess so."

I heard some girls calling it purikura, she wrote. I looked it up, and it means print club...it sounds really interesting.

"Yeah..." Tanjiro mumbled. Kanao looked away and she began to fidget again. Tanjiro finally got why she told him about photo booths.

"So, do you want to go do it?" Tanjiro asked Kanao uncertainly. She looked at him quickly and nodded.

Tanjiro thought that he and Kanao were doing it alone, but that was definitely not the case.

For Zenitsu and Inosuke had overheard them, and they walked over to Kanao's and Tanjiro's desks.

"I heard that!" Zenitsu said triumphantly. "I am a little bit of an expert at purikura, so I'll come with you guys!"

"So am I!" Inosuke said. "I don't know what this pukura thing is, but as your master, I have to come with you all!"

Tanjiro nodded, and he said, "Well then, let's get going!"


At last, after a bit of walking, the group of friends finally made it to a Game Center, where they were able to do the purikura. They all headed inside.

While they were on their way to the photo booths, Kanao suddenly stopped to look at something that peaked her interest. The rest of the group nearly left her behind, but Tanjiro called out to her, saying "Kanao~san, the photo booths are this way!"

When they finally reached the area with all the photo booths, they couldn't help but be amazed at the amount of photo booths in one room.

They all stepped into one of the machines. A robotic voice said, "Choose your preferred frame."

Kanao flinched at the loud sound of the robotic voice, but she soon got used to it and waited for Zenitsu and Inosuke to choose the mode.

Zenitsu turned around to face Kanao as Inosuke looked through the modes.

The machine said, "Perfect skin mode", and Zenitsu shook his head at this.

"Kanao~san already has perfect skin, so she doesn't really need that mode." Zenitsu said. This statement of his surprised Kanao.

Next, the machine said "Doll eyes mode". Surprisingly, Insouke shook his head at the sound of this setting.

"Paonao already has big eyes, so the mighty lord Insouke thinks she'll look like a woodland monster!" he said loudly. This phrase shocked Kanao.

After that mode, the machine said "Long legs mode". Inosuke shook his head again.

"Manao already has long legs, so she'd look really weird." he said insensitively. This phrase of his nearly drove Kanao to tears, while Tanjiro sweatdropped.

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