•~chapter twenty four: the culture festival~•

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Kanao was one of the girls that was behind a curtain, changing into her maid dress. Today was the day. It was the culture festival, and it was finally the day of the maid cafe!

She looked down at the short dress that she had been given, and she blushed madly as she tried to cover up her knees. This wasn't the kind of dress that she had been expecting...

Aoi looked over at Kanao. She was also in a maid dress, although she didn't look that uncomfortable with wearing it.

"Did you think the skirts were going to be longer, Kanao?" Aoi asked, as she had seen Kanao's flustered expression. "I think there's one long skirt in that box over there..."

Aoi pointed over to a cardboard box in the corner of their dressing area. Kanao practically ran over to the box, because she was desperate to not be seen in a short maid dress.

After Kanao had finished changing her skirt, she looked at her reflection in a nearby mirror. She supposed it didn't look too bad...

A bell rang, signifying the start of the culture festival

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A bell rang, signifying the start of the culture festival. All the girls headed out of their dressing room, ready to start the day in the maid cafe!


"Welcome, master!"

Although the maids were doing their jobs in all different styles, that was their common call whenever a new customer walked into the shop. There was a steady stream of customers filing into the shop, because of Inosuke's advertising. Surprisingly, he had decided to wear a tuxedo and he also wanted go around and advertise.

The tables were filled with customers, and they were all eating or just making lively banter with each other.

Two new customers suddenly walked into the cafe. They were two brothers, one with black hair and one with blue hair. The blue haired boy was eagerly pulling his disinterested brother by the arm into the maid cafe.

Aoi noticed the two new customers coming into the shop. "Welcome, master! You can take a seat over here!" she exclaimed, showing the two to a table.

When the two boys took a seat, the black haired one took a pocketbook out of his bag and he began to read. His brother looked disappointedly at him.

"Oh, come on, brother." he said, taking the book away. "We came here to have fun and help our class with whatever they're supposed to be doing for the culture festival. We didn't come here just to read books all day."

The black haired boy's name was Matsuoka Wanrou. He scowled when his brother, Matsuoka Tatsuo, took his book from his hands.

"Fine then." he said, still without a hint of excitement in his voice. "But tell me, why did you want to come to the maid cafe, out of all places? You know, there is other fun stuff in the festival besides the maid cafe."

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