•~chapter twenty-nine: cat cafe~•

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Kanao was fidgeting in her seat yet again when the end of the school day came. As always, Tanjiro noticed this and he decided to ask her what bothered her.

On the news last night, the Hot Topic was cat cafes. she wrote. From the videos I saw, there were so many cute cats there and I kind of want to try it out today.

Would you like to come to one with me today, Tanjiro? she wrote.

"Oh..." he muttered. "I'm very sorry Kanao-san, I would love to go...but I have some plans today already."

Kanao jolted. Normally, Tanjiro was free to do things with her, but this time, she didn't know what to do.

"Maybe you could ask...Zenitsu?" Tanjiro mused. "He might like to go see a cat cafe..."

So, following Tanjiro's suggestion, Kanao went to go ask Zenitsu if he wanted to come. But it turns out, he was allergic to cats.

Not the allergy that is symptomatic, mind you. The kind of allergy that Zenitsu has of cats is the one that involves fear of sharp claws and teeth that could rip him into pieces at any moment.

"If I wasn't so scared, I would definitely come, Kanao-chan. Sorry about that," he had said apologetically.

Kanao had returned to hers and Tanjiro's desk with a disappointed look on her face. But, when she was about to give up, someone popped up behind her.

"You said you wanted to go to a cat cafe, Kanao?" said a familiar voice. It was Tsuko Izumi, coming to save the day with her big sisterliness as always.

Kanao nodded eagerly. At once, she picked up her bag and headed out the door, with Tanjiro waving good-bye behind her.


"So, here we are!" Izumi said, looking up at the flashing sign.

"I came too!" said a new voice. The voice came from a girl with long, pink hair. Kanao jolted, as she hadn't seen this person until she spoke.

Izumi laughed. "Yes, I know you came Misaki-chan." Then, Izumi saw the apprehensive look on Kanao's face, and she said, "Oh, sorry Kanao. This is Yuuki Misaki, and she's an old friend of mine. She adores cats, so she followed us here."

Kanao nodded, and with that, the awkwardness passed, and the group of three stepped inside the cafe.

At once, the group of three started having a cuteness overload because many cats began walking around and curling up at their feet. While Izumi paid, Kanao and Misaki went to sit down near the cats.

As soon as she sat down, Misaki and had many cats approaching her and cuddling with her. Kanao wanted this to happen to her, too, but for some reason, the cats were avoiding her.

Izumi sweatdropped when she saw a jealous look forming on Kanao's face. Since she wanted to do something nice for Kanao, she picked up some of the cats toys and she tried making the cats come over to where Kanao sat.

However, her efforts did nothing. No matter how hard Izumi tried, the cats would just avoid the toys and the area that Kanao was sitting in.


From the cats' point of view, things weren't going very well, either. Many of the cats were completely avoiding Kanao, because, instead of emitting a friendly aura, her aura was 'scary'.

One of the cats had not budged from their spot when Kanao and her friends had entered the cat cafe. This black cat's name was Chocolat, and she was considered by most of the cats as the 'boss' of the place.

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