•~chapter thirty-six: what really happened~•

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Kanao walked calmly into her room after coming home from Tanjiro's place.

She calmly walked over to her desk and sat down...and she slammed her head down on her desk with embarrassment. Her head slam had enough force to make her sisters downstairs look up at her room in concern.

Her head was swimming in memories of the past few hours. How she took care of Tanjiro while he was sick. How she made him soup and almost fed him. How she held his hand and how she felt like she enjoyed it. How Zenitsu burst into the room and said, "I see how it is."

Her face began turning redder than the sun that was setting outside her window. What, exactly, does "I see how it is" mean?

Kanao suddenly lifted her head from her desk, because she got an idea. She grabbed one of her pens from the butterfly pen stand on her desk and she began to write a letter.


After a few minutes, Kanao raised the letter up to her face and read it in her mind.

I wanted to explain to you what I was really doing, Zenitsu-kun, so you don't misunderstand me. I don't have any weird feelings, nor do I have any ulterior motives. I merely did this because of my compassion for a friend, so I decided to hold Tanjiro-kun's hand because he was feeling unwell. I hope you can understand stand that there was no meaning to this that made me feel guilty.


Kanao's faces began blooming into a violent red color as she tore up the little piece of paper into miniscule shreds.

I look like I'm making excuses because I did something that made me feel guilty! Kanao screamed mentally. And I'm not even sure if he really saw me, so giving him this letter would made Zenitsu feel suspicious!

But then, Kanao stopped freaking out. She sat in her chair, pondering over her decisions and wondering if holding hands really was a big deal.

Kanao blushed again, because it seemed like a big deal to her.


On the other side of the spectrum, there was Tanjiro. He was sitting at the kitchen counter on the first day of school, since he felt better enough to actually go.

Somehow, I get this feeling that Kanao-san was here yesterday. Tanjiro thought. But my head felt hazy, so I'm really not sure. I feel like she was here, but it might be a hallucination because of the high fever!

If I said the wrong thing to her, she would probably get grossed out! Tanjiro thought, now covering his red face with his palms. And Nezuko, who was passing by, said, "Onii-chan, your face still looks sick."

Tanjiro grabbed his things and went over to the front door.

I don't know if she came over, but it would be rude to not thank her and say that I forgot. he thought, pulling on his shoes.

I have proof that Zenitsu came over...so maybe I'll ask him. Tanjiro thought, as he eyed the plastic bag by the door.


Kanao had gotten to school before Tanjiro had. She slipped a small paper letter out of her book bag.

She was about to slide the note through the vent of the locker when she heard a sudden, loud outburst behind her. The letter was suddenly snatched from Kanao's loose grasp.

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