f o u r

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Hypothesis; the subject of my seduction will be attracted to what he can't have, like every male specimen.

Hypothesis; the subject of my seduction will be attracted to what he can't have, like every male specimen

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Those eyes. I hated staring at Daniel's eyes. It was like they held something there. And it was terrifying. Made my breath catch each time my gaze wandered there.

So instead, I focused on the space between them.

"What are you doing here?" It's not like he was supposed to be having any classes right now. Chanelle had given me his lecture schedule so I knew.

Daniel tucked his hands into his pockets and licked his lips, staring down at me. "You're in my seat, freshman."

I frowned. The only reason why I was here was to finish up this drawing so I wouldn't have too much work to do later. And I could have just gotten up and walked away because I was already done-save for the nose on my cup. But where was the fun in that?

Besides, I was supposed to be seducing him.

So with a sickening sweet smile, I put away my art tools and took out my copy of the love hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood, lifting my feet onto the table and relaxing in the seat.

"I don't see your name written on it."

He studied my posture for a moment with a brow corked in amusement. "I see," he mused. Then he shrugged and began walking away.

It was my turn to lift up a brow in confusion. Wasn't he going to try and fight for his seat? I thought boys liked what they couldn't have?

My eyes travelled with him as he walked to the back of the class. Just when I thought he was going to head for the door, he took a sharp turn and went round the column. Realisation dawned on me.

When Daniel noticed my eyes on him, he winked as he made his way towards me. He apologized to a few students as he made his way through them, passing chair after chair until he plopped down into the seat next to me. His black irises had a glint in them as he grinned, facing me. "Hey, Freshman."

I shut the book and placed it down on the table, front cover up. "Do not call me that."

His eyes glinted again when he feigned oblivion. "What? Freshman?"

"Fuck you, Daniel."

His grin turned cocky and he waggled his eyebrows. "I'm sure you'd love to, stalker. How do you know my name?"

Oh shit. I wasn't supposed to know him. Er... Think, Noah!

"It's hard not to know the name of the golden boy of Furman." I rolled my eyes, trying to act smooth and my subconscious gave me a pat on the back for that save.

Daniel snorted, adjusting himself in his seat so he was upright. "I'm not that."

I lifted a brow at him. "No?"

Heartbreak HypothesisWhere stories live. Discover now