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Hypothesis; once we get closer, people will notice.

Hypothesis; once we get closer, people will notice

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Daniel and I texted each other a lot.

The second my phone would buzz, I'd know it was him before staring at the screen. At this point, I wasn't sure if he'd fallen for me yet, but I knew we were friends. Proof of that was the fact that he asked me to play a game with him where he chose what I was going to wear on Monday next week and I did the same for him.

Now I was probably overstepping it with the friends title because he hadn't said it yet, but, it was a progress I was going to embrace. One step closer to my reward.

He decided that a way to be an "active part of my life" was by getting me coffee and delivering it to me at the front of the art department.

One major disadvantage though, was the fact that with Daniel Brighton, nothing could be done undercover. He literally drew all eyes in my class to me by just sending a smile my way. I wasn't uncomfortable with it though. After all, it was just something I had to bear for the greater good.


I looked up from the book I was reading and uncrossed my legs, sitting upright and turning to Ali's smiling face. She always had this sparkle in her brown eyes that really complemented her hair.

"I overheard Trix from the sophomore class talking about you and Daniel's latest involvement," she said, wriggling her brows and slapping a packet of biscuits on the table. I mentally groaned. I could put up with the attention, but the eyebrow wiggling had to stop.

"We're just friends," I replied with a shrug, leaning forward to snag a biscuit from her packet.

The library was packed but still managed to be awfully quiet. Two very terrible characteristics in my books. Back in high school, I'd avoid the library like a plague because it reminded me of the graveyard they buried my dad in.

Ali stared at me with firm unbelief. "He brings you coffee every day."

I shrugged. She blinked.

"He blasts your phone with texts every ten minutes."

I shrugged again.

Ali and I began talking more frequently to each other on Tuesday. She was a pretty cool person though. The direct opposite of Chanelle. In some ways, she behaved like Carol even.

She loved reading historical novels as thick as my head—not a quality that I fancied. I was more of a three-centimeter-thick contemporary kinda girl. But what she lacked in book preference, she made up for in coffee.

We both shared a love of Chocolate lattes. It was what made us good acquaintances.

"Are you in denial?" Her eyebrows were up now. A light breeze ruffled her dark brown straight hair, sending a few strands into a frenzy.

Heartbreak HypothesisWhere stories live. Discover now