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Hypothesis; if I feel guilty, all I have to do is remember that this is for a good cause.

Hypothesis; if I feel guilty, all I have to do is remember that this is for a good cause

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My hand was still tingling as I sat in the passenger seat of Daniel's black Toyota. I wasn't a car person, but from the looks of this one I knew it was expensive. And he was driving me to class in it.

Releasing my lower lip from between my teeth, I faced Daniel. "You didn't have to do this."

"It's my fault the bartender did that. I shouldn't have flirted with her so much." He exhaled, his focus still planted on the road before us. Cars and buildings zoomed past making me wonder how fast this thing was going. From inside the car, it didn't seem too fast. Infact, it seemed like Daniel was trying to be careful with me in the car.

I relaxed back into my seat and studied my reddened palm. "Yeah, it's kinda your fault."

Daniel snorted and took a turn to the right, muttering incoherently under his breath. A beat of silence passed between us before I spoke again.

"How come I've never seen you with friends?"

His brows creased. "What do you mean? I have tons of friends."

It was typical for the popular guy to have a clique he'd flick with or at least a squad. I expected Daniel to have one too. However, ever since we've met, I'd only seen him alone. Save for the time Chanelle tricked me and him into meeting. But even then, those were his teammates.

I licked my lips because they were getting dry. "I've never met any of them."

"That's why you're coming to the basketball game tomorrow. I'll introduce you to them," he stated.

"So your teammates are your friends."

He smiled and turned to me for a brief second. "It's our secret to being the best in the league of colleges."

I furrowed my eyebrows. That wasn't possible. If Chanelle's document about him was correct then he had friends outside basketball, he liked parties and his body count was probably the size of the female population of the school. It's why he was so popular.

I wanted to ask him about all of this, just to clarify and be sure of everything I'd learnt about him from the books. But I doubted the question, "so how many females have you played body twister with?" would be adequate.

"Will there be a party after the game?" I asked instead.

Daniel lifted a shoulder and brought it down in a half shrug. "The team normally hosts one after every game but I might not be attending this one in particular. Why?"

There were so many questions ringing in my head. Chanelle had said he would never turn down the chance to party. Her exact words in the document.

"Nothing really, it's just, the team back in highschool would throw a party after their games. I wanted to know if it's the same here."

Heartbreak HypothesisWhere stories live. Discover now