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Hypothesis; smiling is a plague

Wednesdays were officially the worst day of the week for me

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Wednesdays were officially the worst day of the week for me.

"You didn't tell me the both of you already went on a date."

I could literally kill Chanelle right now. My mind was already thinking up cool ways to do it. I could snatch her nude Louboutins and whack her in the head with them. Over and over.

"I was going to," I hissed, hands balled into fists at my sides. "But then you stood me up!"

She simply huffed and put out her nails for me to see. "You think I'd choose you over my nails?"

"No, but I expected you to choose Daniel, since you want him back so bad."

That shut her up immediately. She snapped her lips shut and put away her freshly done nails.

When Chanelle had told me meet her at the university's mall, I'd honestly considered not coming. She'd tricked me yesterday after all. Plus, I was at the car shop trying to beg the hefty dude there to give my baby one last chance. I was sure my car was more important than this.

A girl passed us, smiling and waving at Chanelle who waved back with a charming smile. I snorted at them both, causing the girl to give me a look before walking away.

Chanelle rolled her eyes and folded her arms across each other. "It's not like I didn't do it without a plan. I knew that Daniel would be in class, and since one.of.my.spurces caught you both fighting in a cafe, I thought, why not being the two of you together to solve whatever the problem is. Infact, I should be asking you why you're sitting back and letting me do all the work?"

My eyes widened and an incredulous sound formed at the back of my throat. "You're doing all the work? I'm the one constantly texting him, talking to him and having to endure his pesky attitude."

"Adam's not-wait, you two exchanged numbers?"

"How do you think we set up the coffee date?" I rolled my eyes. "Besides, it wasn't even a date. He just bought me coffee."

She narrowed her gaze at me. "What flavor?"

My brows furrowed automatically. How obsessed could this girl be? "Doesn't matter. The point is, I'm making progress and you know it so let me continue what I'm doing in peace."

Chanelle glared at me in silence some more, lips in a straight line. I glared right back. After a few moments, she caved in with a huff.

"Fine. But this time, you're reporting everything to me as they happen, nothing should be left out. If your report comes in late, I'll deduct it from your pay. Got it?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but got interrupted by the chirpy voice of Cherry.

"They didn't have the unsalted nuts you wanted, Chanelle. Sorry."

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