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Hypothesis; if I be swayed by the pouts of men, I'm as good as gone.

Hypothesis; if I be swayed by the pouts of men, I'm as good as gone

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All it took was for my gaze to meet that of Daniel Brighton and the words were free again.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, asshole?" I seethed

Daniel snorted and stepped back. "You'd think the orange juice in your wind pipe would make you less grumpy."

I wiped my nose with the back of my hand, a small cough leaving my lips. My throat still burned, but my rage burned hotter. "I think it's justified, considering you almost killed me!"

He rolled his eyes and said, "you're being dramatic, Freshman." He pulled out a napkin from his back pocket and handed it to me. "Here."

In the few seconds that followed, my gaze flickered between that spot between his eyes and the napkin he was offering. Then at a slow pace, I put out a hand and took it from him, still eyeing his figure that loomed above me. Passerbys cast us weird looks, probably because I, a five foot two petite girl, was being hovered over by a six foot something guy who cast a shadow over me.

I wiped orange juice out of my face, silently contemplating whether to thank him or curse him for this. Now I'd have to walk home with a big shapeless orange stain on Cherry's white tee which she made me borrow for my first day. I mentally cursed her for picking a white tee over the faded black one I'd wanted.

My thoughts were interrupted when Daniel cleared his throat. I snapped my glare back to him.

The dark prince of hell actually had the nerve to pout at me. "Let me give you a lift home."

He literally, put his lips together and pouted like a baby. If I wasn't the strong ass girl that I was, I'd consider the action as cute.

Too bad for him, I was tough as they came.

Tilting my head to the side, I lifted a brow. "Does that usually work for you?"

His brows furrowed in confusion and his gaze narrowed. "What are you talking about?"

I lifted my chin at him and made a circular motion with the hand that had previously been holding my orange juice. My sweet orange juice. "This whole act. Almost drowning me in orange juice and suddenly wanting me to get in a car with you. I mean, what do you think this is?"

Daniel blinked in disbelief, his jaw hitting the paved cement floor of the sidewalk we were on. Probably couldn't stomach the fact that one girl wasn't swayed by his antics.

Recovering from the shock, he shook his head and chuckled, casting his gaze around and bending slightly so he was at eyes level with me. While he glared at me with an intensity, I glared back with five times as much heat. Two could play at this game.

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