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As a high school student who attended a regular school in Tokyo, you pretty much had your whole life laid out in front of you. You were going to finish high school, get a degree in college, find a stable job, and settle down and have kids; according to your parents.

Despite not having a say in the matter, it didn't sound too bad. It's what your parents did, and they turned out perfectly fine and happy! Well, for the most part. Actually, they weren't very happy at all. If it meant turning out like your parents, you decided that you don't want an ordinary life, but it's all you've ever known. That is, until you started seeing them.

It all started in elementary school when you saw a creepy blob-like figure cross the street in front of you.


"Hey do you see that? What is that?" You asked your best friend at the time, Mei.

"What? What are you looking at," she asked, trying to figure out what you were pointing at.

"That, squishy thingy, over there," you kept gesturing, but you learned that your efforts were futile as she could not see the blob in front you.

"I don't see it..."


Since then, many instances like that have occurred. You see something strange, point it out to someone, and they look at you like you're crazy. Over the years, you've found it easier to ignore the creatures rather than to ask questions.

However, you've noticed how they've gotten stranger and stranger. The creatures have become more human-like in recent years than they ever have been. Some of the most bizarre creatures were actually attached to people like an extra limb, or even a second head. It baffled you how no one else saw them.

The most horrific experience you've had thus far with the beings happened one cold Autumn. You sat in the window booth of your favorite Cafe trying to finish up last minute homework that was due the next morning. The little shop was bustling with activity and sweet smells wafted in every direction. By now, you've long finished your drink and questioned whether or not you should purchase a second one. While considering which drink you would like to purchase next, you made the mistake of looking out the window. A shriek fell from your lips as you looked out into the streets with horror. One of the creatures attacked a human. Despite the gruesome act unfolding in front of you, people walking and driving didn't even bat an eye. They continued on with their day. That was the worst part.

"Someone call an ambulance!" You shouted into the crowd of people enjoying their stay in the coffee shop. They all turned and looked at you. "That man just got brutally attacked! Look!"

The people gazed into the street before giving you a disgusted look. Some steered their children away from you. How could they act like this when someone is in desperate need of help?

"Please someone help that man," you cried and looked to the customers around you, hoping that someone would listen. You received more ugly stares from everyone in the cafe but one. He seemed to have seen it as well. He had pink hair and looked to be your age, while wearing a strange coat with a pin you had never seen before. Something about him, was strange... and cold. Yet he flashed you a smile that radiated nothing but warmth. So much so, that you stopped crying and got the confidence to leave before someone reported you to the authorities for public insanity.

On your way towards the door the boy stopped you, shook your hand, and asked you to follow him.

Honestly, death sounded nicer than having to cope with the trauma you have after witnessing such a horrific incident, so you agreed and followed him out of town.

[word count: 673]

Edited :D
Sweet little prologue😀
I love jjk too much to not write something abt it
How've y'all been

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