16- gray

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It had been a few days since you and Fushiguro had "ended things," if that's what you wanted to call that.

And it was... surprisingly easy to ignore him. Of course, you were still able to acknowledge him on missions and during training, but other than that you simply avoided him.

Upon his return to everyday life, Fushiguro noticed how the mood shifted whenever he walked into a room you were in. It wasn't anger or a sense of hurt, but rather a shallow and empty feeling he just couldn't put his finger on. However, the two of you came to an unspoken agreement to work in harmony when needed.

"L/n," Nanami had called out to you. You turned to face him. You were sitting in one of the couches in the common room. Inumaki and Panda sat across from you.

"Hey Nanami, what's up?" You asked.

"I need you to come with me for a little bit. I was hoping to test your abilities," he vaguely spoke. You furrowed your brows as you stood up and waved goodbye to the second years.

"Can you be a little more specific?" You called out behind Nanami as he walked out the front door.

"Well, the two of us are going on a mission. Basically we're both going to fight and you're going to heal."

"Then why did you say that you wanted to 'test my abilities.' I always heal during missions."

"Well," Nanami paused before entering his car while you followed suit, "this time you're going to focus on healing yourself."

He hopped in his car while you stood there with your mouth agape. "What do you mean?"

You sat in the passenger seat beside him as he began to drive down the road.

"Was I unclear?" Nanami asked. You pinched the bridge of your nose.

"No.. I would just rather not get hurt and then be put in worse pain to heal myself," you crossed your arms and looked out the window. Nanami sighed.

"Well I didn't want to stab myself either for the benefits of you— but I did."

"But I'm your favorite, so it makes it a little better," you smirked. He chuckled in response.

"I guess you're right."


Nanami let you fight a 1st and 2nd grade curse by yourself. You held your own but you did definitely take a few beatings. Of course, if anything got too serious Nanami stepped in, but it only happened once.

After the first fight, you assessed yourself and determined which injuries needed the most desperate attention. One of your most serious injuries was a stab wound to the side. In the moment it didn't hurt that much (maybe it was just adrenaline), but awful searing pain coursed through your veins as you imagined your side being stitched together. You let out a few cries of pain before realizing you were healing with no scarring.

"Nice work, ready for the next curse?" Nanami praised. You wondered if he had some sort of high-level curse radar. How did he always know where to go?


You approached a building by car and noticed how it was nicely taken care of and intact.

"Hey Nanami~ how come this building is like— nice?" You questioned. Most of the time you were going to run down factories or abandoned homes where the curses manifested.

"Well, this hotel here has been rumored to be home to the ghost of a mass murderer. Upon staying here, people insisted that they were being watched and that they could feel a heavy presence. Of course, these rumors spread throughout the floors and instilled panic within the guests. I'm sure you know how curses form, right? Does this make sense?" He explained.

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