12- unexpected

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You woke to the sound of an unfamiliar chime from across the room. You groaned.

"Go away, I already told you, no thin mints, no deal," you mumbled, sleep lacing your voice. The chime kept sounding out, and you wanted to sleep in, so you planned on getting up and figuring out where the sound came from.

That was until you felt strong arms around you. You forcefully opened your eyes to see a sleeping Megumi in front you. A blush crept up your cheeks as you stared at him. He was so beautiful. However, you quickly glanced away, feeling like a creep.

Eventually the ringing noise stopped, and it seemed as though Megumi hadn't even noticed. Except for when he tightened his grip around you when you tried getting up. It seemed as if you couldn't get any closer until his arms wrapped around you— pulling you further into his grasp. Your legs were tangled with his, and you could literally feel his hot breath on your skin. The last part gave you goosebumps, but you tried not to dwell on it.

You internally asked yourself what time it was, but you weren't in any position to get up and look— literally. However, it didn't really matter since you were still tired, and Megumi's rhythmic breathing lulled you back to sleep.


"Yeah, I'll tell her. Bye," you faintly heard Megumi from across the room. As you were woken up, you realized there was a lot more room in your twin bed.

"Look who's finally awake," Megumi snickered lightheartedly. You rolled your eyes as you sat up.

"Who was that?" You gestured to his phone.

"It was Gojo, I'm going on a mission with him and Nanami. Similar to how you did, except you can't go," he visibly frowned. "Since Mahito likes you so much they figured you would be safer here."

You gasped and shot up like a rocket. "NO! No! No, you can't go Megumi."

"What? Why not? Is everything alright?" He asked while he approached you.

Tears streamed down your face, "Please don't go. Please!!"

"Y/n, calm down."


"My nightmare, you can't go. You can't Megumi!" You pleaded.

"What happened?" He sat down on the bed and helped you down too.

"Mahito spoke to me. He showed me something that he said was inevitable," your teary eyes looked up at Megumi's. "He had you in a tank."

Megumi cupped your face in his hands and wiped your tears away while you continued. "He said he was gonna use you to change everything and that there was nothing anyone could do."

"Is that it?" He asked softly while piling you into a hug. You nodded into his neck.

"It seemed so real, Megumi. I'm so scared for you right now. You can't go."

"I have to," he whispered, which only made you cry harder. "Everything will be alright. He sent you that image to scare you and to stop me. This mission is important. By scaring you into scaring me into staying here, we can't infiltrate their hideout. I'll be okay, I promise you."

You nodded as your breathing steadied. "Tell Gojo."

"Of course," he pulled back from the hug. "I have to go now, okay?"

You nodded before pulling him close and giving him a gentle kiss on the lips that he didn't hesitate to return.

"Good luck," you gave him a soft smile.

"I'll be back soon," he looked at you longingly before giving you one last kiss on his way out.

You sat on your bed wondering if you just let the best thing that has ever happened to you slip away to his death. From across the room, your phone rang. It was Nanami.

"Hey Nanami, everything alright?" You asked, hoping your voice didn't crack too much. Megumi had just left with him. What could have already gone wrong? You hoped Megumi was okay.


"Um, okay. Why did you call me?" You asked as a confused look took over your face.

"Well, actually everything is not alright. We left about a half hour ago—"

Holy shit that's how long I sat here thinking about him.

"—and it seems that we're in a small predicament here."

"What do you mean?" Your eyes filled with tears and your throat swelled.

"Um, it's not that big of a deal, but— it's actually really unexpected-"

"Nanami! Stop beating around the goddamn bush and tell me what happened!" You shouted into the phone.

Nanami muttered an incoherent phrase into the phone. You were quick to ask him to repeat it, so he did. Same incoherent phrase, but just a little louder.

Rustling was heard over the phone and all of a sudden you were talking to Gojo.

"Megumi was kidnapped," Gojo calmly stated.

You couldn't see anything. Your vision was starting to go and you felt like you were going to faint.

"Uh, we got into a minor car crash, and during the midst of it, Geto had grabbed ahold of him and tossed him into a domain before leaving. To be honest with you, because I know that's what you would prefer, we aren't sure how to get him back just yet. But don't you worry! We won't come home without him."

"This is all my fault," you muttered.

"What l/n? Is everything alright?"

"I told him! I could've tried harder! I had that dream and he didn't believe me," you sobbed into the phone.

"What dream?" Gojo asked, concern lacing his voice.

"He didn't tell you?" Your voice grew weak.

You promptly let yourself fall to the floor before hanging up. You sat there with your head in your hands cursing the world.

[word count: 955]

Edited! Can't wait to change plot of this story to make it better

Put your seat belts on guys :(

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