3- opened doors

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A month has passed during your time at Jujutsu High and you are now able to apply your cursed energy into treating wounds. For now, you can heal things like cuts and scratches. However, you're moving at a very quick pace. Everyday you train with Nanami, who insists on injuring himself so you could heal him.


"So what happens if you hurt yourself and it's beyond my healing capabilities?" You asked Nanami, who was busy looking for something new to hurt himself with.

"Then I go to Ieiri and get patched up. And besides, I've had complete faith in you up until this point. However, today I don't." He laughed before plunging a small knife into his thigh.

You abruptly gasped, "Nanami!"

You crazy bastard, you thought.

He barely even winced at his leg, but seemed more distraught over his torn clothing than his wound. "Perhaps I should've thought this through."

"Yeah maybe you should have, I can't do puncture wounds yet, only lacerations!" You panicked, hoping Nanami didn't accidentally hit an artery.

"You'll do fine, l/n. Like I said if I need other medical attention Ieiri is somewhere around here."

You positioned yourself beside him.

Here goes, you though while taking a deep breath. You moved your hands to be above Nanami's leg, and focused your cursed energy into the wound. You closed your eyes and pictured the wound sealing itself up from the inside out. After focusing your energy into Nanami's leg, you imagined it to be completely healed in your mind. You opened your eyes and started panting heavily. Closing this wound used most of your stamina.

"Wow, no pain or anything. I was wrong to doubt you l/n, you've come a long way. However, it was very slow," Nanami said before giving you a pat of the back.

"How long did it take?" You breathed out.

"Roughly a half hour. But, we'll try again tomorrow. Good job today," he replied whilst fiddling with his ripped pants.

You thanked him before going to the recreation hall. No one else was in there, which meant nobody was occupying the couches.

Perfect, you thought. No one is here to stop me from taking a liiiiiittle nap.

You approached the couch and flopped on it face first, instantly falling asleep.


"I don't think we should wake her, she can be kinda mean when she wakes up," you heard a voice beside you.

"Well she's taking up the whole couch. There's nowhere else to sit."

"Shut up Fushiguro there's 3 other couches." A third voice chimed in.

You groaned, sitting up, "okay okay I'm awake. Relax."

You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and stood up. You meant to walk back to your dorm to finish your nap, but your legs decided they weren't going to work. With the first step you took your knees buckled which resulted in you falling into someone. Your eyes widened before taking in what you had fallen into.

You grunted on impact, but realized it was actually kinda nice.

"Woah, I would say I'm sorry but you're really soft," you spoke into fur. You heard a loud laugh from whoever it is you fell into.

"That's a new one!" Panda continued laughing. You began to stable yourself and stood up straight, seeing Panda, Maki, Yuji, and Megumi in front of you.

ms. nurse (Megumi x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon