22- confrontation

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A day had passed since you had woken up in Megumi's room. It was strange really, but you didn't talk about it to anyone. Nothing actually happened, but you did do him a favor.

Anyways, at the moment you were sitting in Nanami's office, picking at your fingernails like you always did when he was giving you some boring lecture. This time, it was about an old lesson he learned during childhood. Something about not taking things for granted. You tried paying attention since it seemed important, but his voice was just so monotonous.

"—and... are you even listening?"


Nanami scoffed and crossed his arms across his chest, "Fine, whatever."

You sat up from your loung-y position in one of his chairs, "Aw c'mon Nanami. I listen to you all the time."

"Yeah yeah. When's the last time you've been on a mission?" He asked while shuffling through paperwork.

"Like a week ago with Itadori and Megumi."

His head perked up at you, "Megumi huh. Since when were you two on a first name basis again?"

"Ugh," you threw your head back and groaned. "It's complicated."

Nanami smirked, "I see that. Perhaps you do listen to my advice... sometimes."

You playfully glared at him, "I guess he missed me— regretted his words that one day in the hospital. Despite all that I just can't keep him at an arm's reach."

"Hmm," the sorcerer hummed. "That's tricky. But it seems like he wants a second chance."

"I guess. He kinda took the initiative. I would be more hesitant if it were the other way around."

"How so?"

"Well he approached me the night before the mission and talked to me for awhile. To be honest, it put me on edge because I had convinced myself I didn't want anything to do with him. I was wrong, I guess," you spoke. Perhaps there's nothing wrong with your relationship with Megumi. If you both accept the risks then realistically there should be no issue like there was before. Yet, you often stopped your own thoughts when it came to him.

"Interesting. I don't know more than I should about him. He's expressionless, straightforward, and strives for a job well done. If he lets you specifically peer over those walls of his then you must mean something to him." By now, Nanami had long forgotten the paper stacks and focused on you picking away at your cuticles— something you did often when you were thinking.

"I guess so," you admitted. "Maybe if he's willing to try again I should try too."

"Good. On another note, tomorrow I'm sending you with the second years to investigate a bridge located near a highway. Recently there's been an increase in deaths surrounding the area and I have reason to believe a curse is behind it. Don't engage in combat. You are there for support."

You stood up, "Got it. But why the second years?"

"Well, they don't have a you. They've been getting beat up recently, and we aren't concerned that it's lack of skill. Fix them up when you can."

"Okay. See you tomorrow." Before closing the door Nanami spoke a small "see you." You didn't really want to go on a mission with the second years. The only one you actually liked was Panda. No offense to Inumaki, but it's not like the two of you had conversations to change your mind otherwise.

On your way back to your dorm, you thought of all the excuses you could tell to get out of tomorrow.

"Oh sorry, I've all of a sudden fallen ill. I have a doctors appointment that I forgot about— it's urgent!" You sighed, "Maybe I just won't show up tomorrow."

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