24- see you again

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if i see one more mha or jjk spoiler on twitter i'm gonna bang my head against a wall. like i'm just tryna be a good anime watcher and y'all manga readers are ruining it D:


"Divine dog said he was in there, b-but when I opened the door he wasn't. And shortly after divine dog dissipated which can happen when Megumi falls unconscious-" you stopped rambling when a hand was placed on your shoulder.

You looked up to see Gojo with a small smile on his face, "He'll be back before you know it."


Megumi woke to the harsh feeling of sand against his skin.

He shifted around in a... lawn chair? That's strange, because that definitely didn't line up with his memory. He remembered walking up to the maintenance room after exorcising a string of low level curses. Maybe he should have recognized that a string like that was unusual— but he didn't. He didn't even remember if he turned the light on when he entered.

And now, he was sitting on a beach getting a nasty sunburn. Where was his shirt?

"Ah, look who's finally awake," a big fella approached Megumi. He had only one eye, and a volcano on top of his head. Megumi wasn't really sure how that was possible.

"W-Where am I?"

"Don't worry about kid."

"Don't touch me," Megumi slapped his hand away as he tried to touch his shoulder.

"Big fan of personal space, huh. You're not gonna like Mahito then."

Megumi's eyes widened. Was he seriously captured again? How long has it been? Surely they won't kill him this time... right?

The volcano dude noticed Megumi's change in demeanor, "But no need to worry. I can send you home right now if you want. All you have to do is say the word. I'm sure y/n must miss you so."

"Don't you dare speak of her with that dirty mouth of yours!" Megumi barked.

"Hmmmm seems like you struck a nerve Jogo, even more so than before," Mahito seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

"Let me go, Mahito," Fushiguro breathed out, his tone filled with malice.

"Oooooo, I'm scared," he giggled in response. "I most certainly can let you go. But you know what we want in return."

He knew. He knew all too well what they wanted from him. They wanted every skill, weakness, and asset that relates to Gojo. Like hell he would give that information up.

"You also know what will happen if we are dissatisfied. Jogo?"

"My pleasure." Jogo walked over to Megumi, who was unable to leave the seat, and grabbed ahold of his hand.

"What is this, some kind of joke?" Megumi coughed.


Megumi muffled the cry that threatened to escape his lips. His pinky was bent in an unnatural direction and Jogo had a hold of his ring finger.

"You want to start laughin' kid?" Snap. "Go ahead and laugh."

This is ridiculous, Megumi thought before his vision was clouded with pain.

Jogo had broken one last finger of Megumi's, leaving him only with his pointer finger and thumb on his right hand. It took most of his strength to keep his composure in front of the awful duo. Then it hit him.

"Mahito, if there's only 3 of us here, why are there 5 chairs?"

"Ah yes, thank you for reminding me. They should be here any moment now."

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