5- a condition

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You woke up in a cold sweat in a dimly lit room. You sat up and looked around. You seemed to be in Shoko's room. Soft light shone through the curtains so you figured it was early in the morning.

You took a deep breath trying to remember all of what happened. Once you arrived back at the school, you checked yourself into the Shoko's room to be properly treated.

Glancing over at your leg, you noticed the very prominent scar on the back of your calf. Seeing this confused you, considering when you healed Nanami he felt no pain and there was no scar left behind. Glancing at your arm, you saw fresh stitches where a nasty cut was. It'll be awhile until those dissolve.

The other small cuts were still there, except they were cleaned and bandaged probably by Shoko. You started to wonder how much time had passed and what day it was when you heard soft snoring. Looking over at him, you couldn't help but laugh at the irony.

Fushiguro was fast asleep on one of the chairs beside your bed. Nanami was also on one of the chairs, except his consciousness startled you.

"Nanami? What are you doing here?" You whispered.

"Well l/n you've forced me to work overtime," he sternly replied with a sigh. He removed his glasses from the bridge of his nose and placed them in his suit pocket.

You stared at him for a moment before you spoke again, "How come it didn't hurt when I healed you? How come there was no scarring?"

"I don't know, l/n. I felt the pressure of your cursed energy but it wasn't painful," he responded. "I was informed that when you healed yourself it was."

"Yes, very," you were mindful to keep your volume level to a whisper. "It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life and I don't even want to describe it."

"Perhaps that is why it scarred?" He responded.

"I-" you started, but then you stopped. "Maybe it's because I couldn't clearly picture it healing and closing properly with all the pain."

"Tell me something l/n, are you selfless?" Nanami asked after a moment of silence. You looked at him, unsure of how to answer this random question. He cleared his throat before continuing. "Would you do anything for those you care about?"

"Yes, if it came down to it."

"And, why do you say that?" He prodded more. He was thinking intensely.

"Because I hope that they would do the same for me, given that they had the choice. But saving those I care about isn't a choice because I would do it regardless of the situation. Even if," you paused. "Even if it means putting myself in danger."

Nanami hummed and placed his hand on his chin. "That's your condition, your fatal flaw. You would do anything for your friends even if, like you said, it meant exposing yourself to harm. It explains why healing yourself proves to be painful."

You looked away from Nanami and found yourself looking at Megumi, who, by the way, was still snoring.

"Why is he here?"

"He insisted on staying. You've been out quite a few days you know. Itadori was also here for awhile but Gojo called for him not too long ago actually. That's why I'm awake." Nanami replied. You sat in the bed for a moment, mentally processing the fact you've been sleeping for days.

"I would like to leave now," you spoke, desperate to get out.

"Ieiri said you were good to leave whenever you woke up. But maybe you should wait a few more hours. I know a certain someone would be happy to see you," Nanami spoke while looking at Fushiguro.

You smiled, being thankful the room was too dark for Nanami to notice.

"Alright, I guess I'll wait."


Megumi had filled you in on everything you missed during your time spent in Shoko's room. Apparently not much happened, but Megumi wasn't the most social person, so who knows what you missed.

The two of you continued to talk as you made your way back into the common area. He mentioned something about eating Panda's leftovers and the consequences that follow.

"Who did it?" You asked.

"Itadori," he chuckled. "The idiot ate all but two bites or something like that before putting it back in the fridge."

"Oh my gosh if someone did that to me I would've stared a war. Leftovers are so precious."

"Apparently so," he paused for a short moment before going on. "Hey um, I just wanted to apologize about our mission. It was my fault that we split up."

"Don't worry about it. Shit happens," you shrugged. "Now we know for next time not to split up, and I know that I have a lot to work on. Think of it as a good thing that it happened."

"I guess," he replied before walking off towards his dorm room.

On the walk to Nanami's office, you couldn't help but smile. It was the little moments here that made being a sorcerer feel worth it.


"Damn it Nanami!" You shouted at the man. You were in his office for only 3 minutes before he "accidentally" broke his pinky.

Yeah right. He snapped that thing like a baby carrot.

"Well l/n, let's see how well you can mend bones," he painfully grinned. You glared at him before placing your hands above his pinky. In your head, you pictured two halves of a broken baby carrot within Nanami's finger. You then imagined the two halves being placed on top of one another where they were separated. Afterwards, you pictured your cursed energy entering Nanami's finger, and sealing everything back together.

You opened your eyes to see Nanami's pinky finger being moved and bent with ease. He sighed with relief.

"That was very good l/n. What did you focus on this time?"

"A broken baby carrot."

Nanami refrained from laughing because that would be unprofessional, "What would you have pictured if it were my foot instead?"

"Um I don't know, probably the bone structure of a— NANAMI!" You gasped as he forcefully hit the top of his foot with a hammer.

He gave you a dry smile but you could tell he was trying not to cry out in pain.

"Why are you like this," you mumbled as you began to heal his foot.

"It's for the good of the whole," he spoke through clenched teeth.

You rolled your eyes as you began to focus.

[word count: 1104]

Haha edited!!! #lesscringe (July 20, 2023)

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