7- trapped

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A week or so has passed since Fushiguro began to train you in hopes of improving your combat abilities. Nanami was also continuing to train you, but instead of healing new types of wounds you've been working towards getting quicker at healing in general. The only things that you haven't had practice with are organs and vitals. However, even Nanami wasn't crazy enough to injure his own organs. For now, you just had to train really hard so you will be prepared for when something like that pops up.

Today, Gojo has assigned you to accompany him and Nanami on a mission. Since it was the two of them, you knew that this mission was high risk for you. Thankfully, Megumi's training has been paying off and you now know the fundamentals of self defense.

"We're almost there," Nanami spoke as he drove through the night. He requested that you had sat in the front because he "wasn't in the mood to sit by Gojo," who was then sitting in the backseat.

You nodded and continued looking out your window, thinking of how this mission could end. You didn't get many details other than it was a supposed meeting for a few Special Grade curses. You hoped that you were prepared for anything that came up.

"Are we there yet?" Gojo whined from behind you.

"Yes actually," Nanami replied as he pulled into a secluded parking lot. "We have a mile or so to walk so we are not as easily noticed."

You got out of the car and followed Nanami who was checking his phone. Since he was, you also checked your phone to see a message from Megumi, which read, hope all goes well, txt me if you need anything

You smiled, remembering him shyly asking for your number one day after he trained you. You also had Yuji's number, but that wasn't as big of a feat.

To your left, you heard something.You abruptly stopped to look in that direction which caused Gojo to collide into you.

"What the hell?" He asked before you shushed him, walking closer to the sound you heard. Nanami kept a close eye on you, but trusted that you could handle yourself.

As you walked down an alleyway, you heard rustling behind trash cans. You shakily equipped the cursed weapon Yuji had given you as you inspected the noise. Turns out, it was just a bunch of huge rats.

"I could've swore I heard something... something other than a rat," you muttered as you returned the dagger back into its sheath and walked out of the alleyway. Gojo started to make a couple of rat jokes while Nanami continued looking into the alleyway. You caused quite a commotion just to find rats. He wondered whether or not there was more to the alley before returning to the group.

After about walking a mile, you came upon an abandoned warehouse that was supposedly hosting the meeting. Your breath hitched as you sensed the special grades.

"Woah. I can feel their presence." You spoke rather timidly. The two sorcerers beside you smiled at this, reminiscing on the days when they first sensed special grades. The three of you suppressed your cursed energy, which was a recent skill you learned, and went into a different building across the street. The goal wasn't to infiltrate, but rather to gather information. You were there as a precaution incase something did happen.

The three of you began scouting the area, and despite sensing the special grades, you weren't able to locate a single one. You were starting to wonder of the legitimacy of the mission. Was it all for naught? Or was it a trap.

"Hey Gojo, where are the special grades supposedly meeting up?"

"In the building across the street, I thought you knew that." He responded, poking around in a closet. He held up an old jacket to his torso as if he actually considered taking it.

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