29- summertime sadness

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kiss me hard before you go,

summertime sadness


"Are you all set?" You asked him with a sad smile on your lips. He nodded while dropping his luggage. His arms swallowed you in a hug while you tried not to cry.

"I'll call. Every day," Megumi assured you while Gojo grew impatient in the drivers seat. You nodded into his chest while a tear rolled down your cheek.

"I love you," you spoke softly before he ran his hands up and down your back.

"I love you too. I'll be back before you know it."

You pulled out of his hug and quickly placed your lips on his. Almost instantly he reciprocated the kiss and you melted into his touch once again.

"I miss you already," he muttered. Gojo honked the car horn. Megumi sighed.

"That's my cue. I'll see you soon y/n," he said while getting into the passenger seat.

"Stay safe," you added.

He mouthed the words, "I will," after the car door had been shut. You knew you would be fine without him for a few months, but you were looking forward to spending the summer with him.

Im probably better off training anyway, you thought to yourself while walking back into the building.

The majority of your summer was spent with Itadori and strangely Sukuna? He was always interested in Megumi's return, but you often didn't have the heart to tell Sukuna that Megumi hadn't texted you once during the summer. You usually told him "sometime soon." He was also persistent in asking you on dates, via Yuji's cheek. You often laughed, unsure of whether or not he was serious.

The new first years began to move in over the summer. Nanami said it was so they could take time to get accustomed to the swing of things around here. You scoffed upon hearing this. You were thrown into sorcery as soon as Yuji found you in a cafe. Also, not much was happening during the summer. You and Itadori were only sent to 3 cursed locations and they were all low grade. There was no swing for them to get into.

"Maybe it's because the curses want to swarm Gojo at all times," Itadori proposed. You hummed.

"I guess," your feet were propped up on the arm of the couch, and the rest of you laid flat against the cushions, allowing you to stare straight up to the ceiling.

"Wonder what they're doing up north."

"Me too, considering the trip was supposed to be a summer thing. The new year starts next week."

"Ugh, don't remind me." Yuji groaned and tipped his head back. You chuckled before standing up.

"I think I'm gonna take a nap, I stayed up a little too late last night."

"Okay, see you later," Yuji waved. You smiled in response before walking in the direction of your room with no intention of taking a nap.

Entering your room, you walked over to a book the contained a small key within the pages. It was the same type of key you were assigned for your room, except the key was not yours; it belonged to Megumi.

Before he had left, he slipped the key into your palm. He hadn't explained why at the time, but there was a note on his bed when you had entered his room later that day.



I didn't realize what I was getting into when I agreed to head north with him. He expects that we will be able to capture and exorcise Geto and his companions. I'm trying to stay positive, but Gojo underestimates their abilities. I no longer believe I'll be home before the summer ends. I love you.



As you opened the door, you saw the note where you had left it on his bedside table. Taking a deep breath of stale air, you sat on his bed. You didn't tell anyone about the note, not even Nanami. Perhaps you should have, but it's far too late now.

Some nights you came in to play Mario Kart. You had to wait until everyone was asleep (especially those nosy first years) before you could sneak in. The more you visited his room, the sadder you became. This was the first time in a month you had come in.

"Woah, I didn't know you had two rooms," a voice sounded from behind you. The voice belonged to one of the first years named Lee. You mentally cringed, the door was left wide open.

"Uh, nope. I don't. I'm taking care of this place for someone who's away at the moment," you responded, not wanting to say too much.

Lee invited himself in and you quickly grabbed the paper and crumbled it into your fist. "What's that?"

"It's a bad drawing I made of um, a cat," you said as nonchalantly as you could. It came out more like a croak.

Lee hummed, "So whose room is this anyways? Also, what happened to your eye?"

"It's Fushiguro's, and a curse clawed my face. See the four scars?"

His eyes widened. "Oh wow. Did it hurt?"

"Yeah, but I healed up the gashes before I got laser surgery."

"Woah, you can heal yourself?" He asked curiously.

"Yep, others too. I'm skilled in using my cursed energy to heal rather than to fight. I'm a field medic."

"That's cool. Where's Fushiguro?"

"Up north. He'll be back soon."

"I hope so, I've heard cool stories about him," he was now gawking as he looked around the room. He spotted Kole and laughed. You had moved him in here one day after Megumi was released from Shoko's.

You smiled, "What do they say about him?"

"Nothing really, just how he's a badass."

"He is a badass. He's strong too, very strong. And handsome."

Lee caught on to your blush, "You have a crush on him, don't you."

You laughed, "I have a huge crush on Megumi."

He hummed, "First name basis?"

"Mhm. I miss him a lot. Now skiddadle. I don't think you're technically allowed to be in here."

"Sure, but you are?"


"Oh, okay. Bye l/n! And don't worry— your secret's safe with me!" He winked.

You waved. Lee was nice and Nanami spoke of his potential. You shut Megumi's door as Lee walked out of the room. Carefully, you unwrinkled the paper and set it back down on the table where it belonged.

"Please come home, Megumi. I miss you."

[word count: 1081]


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