18- go time

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It had been 5 days since your consultation with Shoko. Ever since then, you had become more jittery and more closed off to everyone at Jujustu High. Yuji had come by your dorm a few times to check in, but he never stayed more than 5 minutes. Same with Panda and Inumaki, but they were always quick to leave due to Inumaki's limited conversation. It didn't surprise you when Fushiguro hadn't shown up, but deep down you hoped he would.

Nanami had also come by quite a bit. One might say he was in your dorm more than his office, but you didn't mind. Some of the conversations between you and him were forced, but you knew he was guilt ridden. He would often ask if there was anything he could do to make you more comfortable, and each time you would give him the same responses, "I'm already comfortable, thank you," or, "I don't want to trouble you," — to which he insist that you were no bother at all.

Earlier that day, you had asked if he would be able to find a fabric for your eyepatch. When he asked what type, you had responded with, "whatever you think would suit me best."

He had come back to your dorm a few hours with a bag in his hand and a devious smile plastered on his face.

"Whatcha got there Nanami?" You curiously asked while he approached your bed. Usually it was frowned upon for sorcerers to enter a student's dorm, but it was okay if it was Nanami. Every day you saw him more and more as a father figure.

"Just an eyepatch for you." The smile on his lips never left as he pulled out the contents of the bag.

You gasped as he pulled out an eyepatch that was made with the same material of his iconic tie. "Not-uh," is all you could muster. A smile pulled on your lips as you laughed. You laughed loudly, not caring that your door was wide open and everyone in the area was able to hear you if they wished. But you didn't care, you hadn't laughed like that in awhile.

"Now we can match," Nanami declared. That silly smile of his hadn't left his face as you played with the fabric of your new accessory.

"Thank you Nanami, I really appreciate it."

"Well, that's not everything I got. I had someone make that for you more so as a joke. I figured you would wear this one more— seeing as it could be matched with most things." He pulled out a solid f/c eyepatch and handed it to you.

You smiled softly and stood to hug the man. He tensed for a moment but then reciprocated the hug. You really did appreciate him doing this for you seeing as he was already working overtime. However it seemed he didn't mind.

"I'll probably wear this one more," referring to the f/c one, "but I appreciate them both nonetheless." You pulled away from the hug.

"Good luck during your surgery tomorrow. I'll be sure to visit you when it's done."

"Thanks Nanami, I'll see you then!" You exclaimed before he left, letting the door shut behind him with a soft click.

Your hands found a way to cup your face, sighing into them. You had been anxiety-ridden all week. This interaction with Nanami was distracting, but only for a little while.


It had been early when you woke up, the sun barely tipping over the horizon whilst you stumbled out of bed. Your fairy lights had been left plugged in overnight, so they helped add some light to your room.

After freshening up in the bathroom, you reluctantly pulled on some comfortable sweatpants and a simple tshirt. Shoko had given you strict limitations as to what you could wear. Your outfit met all the necessary criteria, but that was only after all your jewelry was off, the metal caps on your sweatpants' drawstrings had been removed, and the clothing was made sure to be loose. You slipped on a pair of shoes— knowing that they would end up being taken off during the procedure, and walked down to Shoko's office.

You passed no one on your way, and you didn't even see anyone else up at this early hour of morning. You sighed, knowing it was for the better. The interactions might unnerve you even more.

As you walked into Shoko's office, she instructed you to sit on the procedure table. You nodded before doing what she asked of you. You held "Nanami's eypatch" as you called it in your hands. While fiddling with the fabric, Shoko approached you.

"I can take that. I'll make sure it is placed over your eye once everything is done."

You nodded, allowing her to continue speaking. You were so nervous that you were scared your voice would break if you even attempted to speak.

"I'm just going to go over what we talked about Tuesday as a reminder to you. You'll be awake during the procedure, but numbed. It should only take about 30 minutes, but once I'm done I will then put you to sleep. You'll probably be in pain so I'll spare you the trouble of falling asleep on your own."

"Okay," you croaked out. You watched as she washed her hands and placed gloves on them. She danced around the office, making sure that everything was ready and exactly where it needed to be.

"Alright kid, it's go time."

[word count: 928]

Awesome! Didn't need to edit a thing

Short chap

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