10 | Goosebumps

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I'm almost positive that Nicolas Young hasn't changed whatsoever in the past five years. Well, 99% positive, at least. He still feels the need to clean around the house to nonverbally thank my mother for allowing him to stay. He still buys tea instead of coffee when we go to cafés. And, most importantly, he still is the most enthusiastic person known to man. Honestly, the boy could be a cheerleader. No matter what we're doing, Nico will be smiling and participating at the front of every group. So, it's natural for him to find this stay as an opportunity to get to know me better. I just wasn't quite expecting him to still be so excited about speaking to me.

"You have a lot of plants," he said, walking around my bedroom.

This was the third time this afternoon that he had entered my room and tried to make conversation based on my belongings. It wasn't very interesting, but he was putting in an effort, so I couldn't help but give in.

"I like to grow things."

"Even things that aren't edible?"

"Well, yeah. I just like the process of it all." I was sitting at the head of my bed, my back pressed against the pillows and a book in my lap. "Did you end up turning in that application to Armino's?"

"Yes, actually. My first day is Wednesday."

I raised my eyebrows. "Like, in two days Wednesday?"


"So, I guess I'm training you, then."

"Really?" I nodded and flicked my eyes back to the book before me. "Is that gonna be weird for you?"

"What? No, no. It's cool."

"Okay, good. In that case," he said, smiling. "I'm very excited to be trained by you."

"Uh, yeah. Same," I chuckled.

"When is your second date with Lilli?"

I didn't want to think about it. I was trying very hard not to think about it. Lilli Sanders is the perfect girl for me. We have similar goals concerning school, but not to the extent where we can't have fun. We both play volleyball, we both are on student council. She is ridiculously pretty and basically unattainable to any other boy at my school. But, for some stupid, unfortunate reason, she's interested in me. And, I have no idea why the perfect girl for me does nothing but make me feel sick to my stomach.

"I'm not sure," I said, which wasn't untrue exactly.

I had been ignoring Lilli's texts because having a conversation leads to a second date and I would do pretty much anything to avoid that. Why couldn't I just say, "Sorry, Lilli. I'm not super into you. I hope we can stay friends!"? Why do I have to be the least confrontational person alive?

"Well, let me know if you need any advice about anything."

"Okay," I said. "Thanks." There was a strange beat of silence as Nico studied a spider plant beside my window. "So, are you up for hanging with Benji tomorrow? We obviously don't have to go surfing again, but maybe bowling or mini-golf or something?"

"Apollo," Nicolas said, his face turning suddenly serious. "I am a mini golf god."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, I'll take that as a yes."

"Yes. Just don't get too heartbroken when I completely destroy both of you."

"Mmm. I'll make sure to warn Benji."


We all loaded into Benji's car the next morning and sped off in pursuit of mini golf. I wasn't particularly fond of this activity, but I did love snow cones, so I happily agreed with the knowledge that Hidden Cove Miniature Golf serves them. After unloading and speeding into the front gates, Benji slammed $20 on the counter.

Home for the Summer (BOYXBOY)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ