15 | Lemon Gelato

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Nicolas didn't let me do any actual work.

It was just the two of us in the shop most of the time, despite the irregular visits from my manager who popped in to finish an order form or grab her laptop. Customers were rare and, when they did enter, I was instructed by Nico to sit still and let him tend to them. I went over how to run the cash register, the best way to scoop gelato, how to properly clean utensils, and where to grab items for restocking. After a while, he was basically the only one running things while I sat on a counter top behind him and drank water.

"I'm feeling better," I lied as he struggled to carry bags of spoons and napkins. "I can help out."

"Yeah, right. You still look green," he said as he set down the bags and pat my cheek.

"I'm not even sick. This is so dumb."

"Well, you're the one who refused to eat breakfast," he began to restock supplies, his eyes shifting towards me ever so often. "I'm sure you'd be feeling a lot better right know if you had just eaten."

I rolled my eyes and took another sip of water. "So, you're an athlete?"

"You're changing the subject."

"I'm curious," I said. Nicolas exhaled through a smile before putting his hands on his hips.

"I told you already; I play hockey."

"Well, yeah. But, I didn't realize you were like an athlete-athlete. You know with vitamin supplements and protein shakes and... I don't know, gym vlogs?"

"Oh my god," he laughed. "I do not vlog when I go to the gym."

"But, you do go to the gym?"

"Yeah. I don't know, it's sort of therapeutic. You can just run off your issues. In fact, a lot of the time, your issues turn into fuel. It makes sense."

I hummed before taking another sip of water. "I've never once been to the gym."

"Why not?"

"I think I'd be too self-conscious."

"Oh, that goes away after a bit."

"Yeah, but don't you ever feel like everyone's staring at you?"

Nico shrugged and leaned against the counter. "Then, give them something pretty to stare at." The bell on the door chimed as Nicolas spun around and smiled. "Hey, welcome to Armino's."


I looked up from my water to see Lilli Sanders stepping into the shop. "Oh... My god. Lilli, hi," I rushed out, jumping off the counter.

"This is Lilli?" Nico whispered with a smile before I elbowed his shoulder.

"Uh, what's up," I said.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to ambush you or anything. I didn't know you worked here," Lilli smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"No, it's cool."

Nicolas extended a hand to her and flashed a grin. "I'm Nicolas. I'm staying with Apollo over the summer."

"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Lilli."

"I know," Nico said, his eyes lighting up as she shook his hand. "He's told me a lot about you. In fact-"

"Is there anything we can get started for you?" I interrupted and Lilli chuckled, her face going a bit red.

"Uh, yeah. Can I get a scoop of lemon?"

"Coming right up," I said, reaching for the ice cream scoop before Nicolas beat me to it.

"Nope," he mumbled simply as he nudged me aside to finish for me. I huffed out a breath and went to the register.

"Uh, it's on me," I said sheepishly and Lilli smiled.

"Oh, thank you." There was a significant beat of silence before she inhaled. "So, you've been ignoring my texts."

I rubbed the back of my neck as I let out this pathetic breath. "Right... Sorry. I've been a bit busy." Liar.

"Did I do something?"

"What? No, no. I just..." I couldn't get the words out. It was like my brain knew exactly what to say but my mouth refused to form it. I don't like you like that. I don't want a second date. "I've been working a lot, so I haven't quite had time to text."

"Oh," Lilli replied. "Well, that's okay. I was just... Worried I drove you off or something."

"You definitely didn't." I glanced upwards before exhaling. "Do you want to hang out? Maybe Friday?"

She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds fun."

"Alright, here's that lemon gelato," Nico said as he handed her the cone

"Thank you," Lilli smiled before looking at me. "See you Friday, Apollo."

The bell rang again as she left the shop and Nicolas studied my face. "You," he said with a breath. "Landed a second date."

"I did."

"She's really pretty."

"She is."

There was a pause before Nico inhaled. "She has shit taste in gelato, though. Lemon? Come on."

"Oh, whatever. You like cotton candy flavored ice cream so don't even try to judge."

"Cotton candy is unbeatable."

"Cotton candy will give you heart disease."

"I think it's worth it," he replied with a smile. "Now, get back on the counter."

"This is ridiculous," I mumbled before hopping onto the countertop.

"I'm just making sure you don't throw up everywhere. You should be thanking me." I grumbled under my breath and crossed my legs as he rinsed the ice cream scoop. "So, are you excited?"

"About what?"

"Your date, man."

"Oh, uh, right. Yeah, totally excited." Liar.

"Where are you taking her?"

The thought of having to maintain a conversation with Lilli Sanders and pretend to be at least slightly interested in her seems worse than the hangover I dealt with this morning. This date couldn't happen. "I don't know yet," I said.

"Well, Benji mentioned some summer festival happening on Main Street? That could be fun."

I nodded, glancing at Nico again. "You and Benji could come, too," I said and he gave this strange chuckle.

"I don't know... Wouldn't that be weird?"

"Huh? No, it would be totally fun."

"But, Ollie, you're-"

"Please," I interrupted. "I'm not good at talking to her alone. I get really nervous and awkward and... If you two came, I wouldn't feel so weird the whole time. Plus, it's a carnival. It'll be a blast."

Nicolas shrugged and strained out his apron. "Okay, fine. But, you owe me a diet coke when we get there."


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