41 | A Storm Inside of Me

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We didn't know exactly how many people would show up at Benji's, but it was assumed that our friend group would arrive early. Our group chat had been blowing up all day.


Izzy: srry, i've already been invited to a bunch of cooler people's parties

Rowan: Iz and I will be there at 8 :)

Izzy: i can bring drinks!!!!!

Benji: waaay ahead of u. nicolas + apollo, ur coming right?

Nico <3: Wouldn't miss it :) Ollie might, he's been sleeping for the last 3 hrs.

Me: i'm literally awake! wym

Nico <3: Wtf!!! Coming to ur room rn

Izzy: love that you two act like an old married couple

Lilli: Who all is coming?

Benji: idk for sure, you 5 and then some other kids from school

Nico <3: I get to meet you guys' school friends :O

Mom insisted she'd drive us, so Nico and I scrunched up in the backseat. "If you two drink, I don't want you biking home," she told us, giving one of those mom looks. I rolled my eyes.

"We weren't-"

"I know what kids your age do, and I know it's useless to say not to. So just call me when the party's over and I'll pick you up."

I hadn't been to Benji's house since my pitiful attempt at an apology, but it somehow looked brighter than before. Maybe it was just the way my mom's headlights bounced off the brick. Nobody except for me, Nico, Benji, Lilli, Rowan, and Izzy were there. We were an hour early, after all.

"Don't you have sisters?" Izzy asked, sitting on the sofa.

"My whole family is in El Paso, visiting family," he replied. "I always hated that trip. They said I could stay since, you know, I'm an adult."

Rowan raised her brows. "You're 18?"


"Yes," she laughed.

It was strange seeing Lilli. She was holding hands with Benji and didn't look awkward at all. Maybe she had been into him that entire time and all it took was me messing things up for them to get together. I wondered if they had any idea how lucky they were to live in the same town and attend the same school and know that their relationship didn't have a ticking time bomb strapped to its chest.

"You have alcohol?" I asked Benji. I didn't want to think about this anymore.

"Yep. Loads of it, which is good. I think word got around."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, I sent only you five the mail invitations-"

"It was a nice touch," Izzy grinned.

"-But, I posted about it on my story and texted a couple of guys I surf with and mentioned it to Ryan Brooker from the water polo team-"

"So, essentially, you're throwing a party party?" I could feel myself starting to sweat.

"Er... Yeah. I guess I am."

Nico pulled my arm toward him and, instinctively, I wrapped it around his bicep. Maybe parties weren't so bad. Maybe I'd turn out to be that carefree type of person once I have some alcohol in my system.

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