36 | Be Patient

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Trigger warning for this chapter! Scroll down to the author's note at the bottom for specifics.

"Ollie," said a voice through the darkness.

I didn't remember when I fell asleep, or how long I had stayed like that, but no part of me was ready to open my eyes quite yet. I simply curled back into the covers and elicited a chuckle from the voice.

"Ollie," they repeated, and only then did I remember where I was, who I was.

"Too tired," I mumbled.

Nico pulled the blanket back a bit and let out a breath. "You told me to wake you after an hour."

"I changed my mind."

"No," he said, and though my eyes were closed, I could hear him smiling before me. "C'mon, Ollie. We have things to do."

I opened one eye to meet him- his ruffled hair and crooked smile and sweater, too thick for California. I could get used to it. To him. To being woken up by his voice, learning how the sun stretched over his face. A life with him.

"Join me," I said simply and he chuckled again.

"You said to wake you up after an hour."

"Well, I don't want to," I replied, running a hand over his arm. "Join me instead."

Nico leaned in, pressing a kiss to my forehead before standing up. "It's 7 right now, so we only have another hour of sunlight."

"And, why exactly is that so important?"

He looked back at me as he drew my shades, allowing the light to flood back in. "It isn't," he said. "But, you should still get up before the sun sets. You won't be able to sleep tonight if you don't."

My eyes panned over him before I sat up. "I usually can't sleep, anyway."

"It's the coffee, love. You caffeinate way too late into the day."

"Maybe," I smiled as he moved closer again. "Or, maybe I have a boyfriend across the hall that keeps my mind up."

Nico let out a small laugh. "Ridiculous." I grabbed his hand to pull him beside me, but he shook his head in response. "You need to get up."

"You're the worst."

"I'm doing what you asked!"

"I know," I grumbled. "What happened to your rebellious side?"

"Dear lord."

I finally stood after a minute and we both shuffled downstairs. He watched my movements as I put a frozen pizza into the oven and met me at the countertop afterward.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"What do you mean?"

Nico shifted on his heels before running a hand through the side of my hair. "I dunno. Just... Are you thinking about anything in particular?"

I knew what he wanted from me, but the words felt embarrassing sitting in my throat. I'm glad we did it or I don't regret it or Jesus, I'm sore. His eyes crinkled a bit as he smiled and, though neither of us said a single thing, I'm sure he knew what I was thinking.

"I'm cold," I said instead.

Nico didn't hesitate before pulling his sweater off and handing it to me. "There," he said. "Anything else?"

I looked at him, briefly, in his flannel pants and hockey T-shirt. "You're perfect," I replied, which made him laugh, but not a single bit of it felt like a joke to me. He was perfect, through and through. From the freckles on his shoulders to the tilt of his smile to the uneven waves in his hair. I couldn't imagine what I had done to deserve him.

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