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Collecting Supplies

Ye Lanshan chose the small village of her grandmother's hometown because everyone in the village itself is a farmer, and everyone basically lives a self-sufficient life. A lot of food and rapeseed can be received here, and the quantity is also large, and Relatively complete, the price is low. Furthermore, most of the people in the village are simple, and they don't have so many hearts, which can reduce the probability of the space being discovered. After all, Ye Lanshan still understands the principle of innocent people and guilt.

  On the first day, Ye Lanshan drove a Hummer and ran to all the gas stations around the village, then went to the nearest urban area and ran all the gas stations around the urban area.

  Although the Hummer of Ye Lanshan is very good, it can't stand the high fuel consumption of this car. Gasoline is a very precious supply in the last days, but it is also an indispensable material for going out. When Ye Lanshan was in City H, he drove his Hummer to all the gas stations in the city to collect gasoline.

  At present, there are no less than 50 barrels of gasoline in Ye Lanshan's space, but these are still too little for Ye Lanshan, but they can't buy too much at one time, which will arouse suspicion from others. Over the years, Ye Lanshan can also collect slowly.

  When I went back in the evening, Ye Lanshan knocked on the door of Aunt Ma's house next door.

  "Auntie is at home?" "Come on, who, oh, isn't this Shanshan, come in and sit!"

  Aunt Ma brought Ye Lanshan into the house and poured Ye Lanshan a glass of water.

  "Shanshan, what's going on at home?"

  "Auntie, are your new rice ready this year? I went to the city today and met a friend who opened a grain and oil store in the city in front of him. He wanted me to Help him ask if any of Murakami's new rice is sold. If not, I will help him buy some. He will give you fifty cents more per pound than the market price. What do you think?"

  "Oh, I don't know. I'll ask you tomorrow if other people's rice is sold, but I haven't even sold the rice in my family, it has more than 800 catties!"

  "Auntie, can you put the rice in bags, and I'll give you 5 yuan a bag. The manual fee for the money."

  "That's fine, I'll pack the bag for you tomorrow, what else do you want?"

  "Is there anyone in the village who grinds noodles? He still wants noodles."

  "Mian, Mr. Xu's family at the head of the village seems to have planted wheat this year. I'll ask you tomorrow. Did your friend tell you how many kilograms of rice you want? "

  My friend means that the more the better, the newly opened store doesn't have much stockpiled goods, so you need as much as you have in Murakami. The same is true of noodles, as much as you have!"

  "That's fine, that's all Leave it to your aunt, and I'll help you and tell everyone tomorrow."

  "Then aunt, I'll go back first, thank you so much ." "Why don't you be

  polite with me, come to play when you have time."

  Ye Lanshan left Aunt Ma's house . , The footsteps are much lighter. As the saying goes, there is food in hand, and the heart is not panic. Ye Lushan is probably in this state now.

  At noon the next day, Aunt Ma knocked on Ye Lanshan's door. Today Ye Lanshan did not go out and waited for Aunt Ma to come,

  "Shanshan, the rice in the village has just been milled, so it hasn't been sold yet. If you want everyone, I will give you all. Uncle Xu and the Niu Dahai family in the village have all planted wheat this year. I also told them that they can also sell it to you! There is also the matter of bagging, which is estimated to take two days. There's too much rice!"

  "Okay, auntie, thank you so much, I'll be fine after two days, and my friend is not bad for the next two days. We'll calculate the total amount in the afternoon, and I'll give it to you when I ask him. "

  "Don't worry, don't worry, we can't believe it, we will give it together after we pack it."

  "Okay, then thank you again, auntie.

  " Auntie, I'm going home first, and the house is waiting for me to cook! Shanshan, come and eat together!" "No,   auntie

  , I'm done eating, and I'll go out later."

Go around the city.

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