2.Three years later

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This fucking computer never works and I honestly don't have the money to pay for a new one . I started to regret leaving my parent's house the day I realized I'd have to spend money on something else than books and clothes if I wanted to be able to eat three times a day . So don't even think of buying a new computer it would be a suicidal plan . Hopefully, rent was split between me and my roomate who almost seemed to live somewhere else given the fact that she was here three times a week at the very most .
After three years of studiying French litterature I was deeply convinced that life had no sense at all and that I was meant to become an old and grumpy librarian . Thank God someone invented parties and therefore created the perfect excuse to get drunk when you had no reasons to . So here I was, debating whether I should put on my black or red dress even though no one really gives a shit about what I would wear . But if it is to get waisted let's do it with style please . After choosing the black one I decided not risk to put on my heels - last saturday kind of discouraged me -and chose my white pair of sneakers . Some liner and lipstick later I was ready to go not even aware of the adress .

After twenty minutes of trying to find where this party was I finally found myself in front of what looked like a castel instead of a house - money did not seem to be a problem here - and saw that probably half the town had been invited . I took a deep breath before going through the golden gate ( yes they have a golden gate ) heading for the inside of this princess house . Among the others I felt like a total stranger, I didn't know what I was doing here and a random guy seemed to have notice my solitude and apparently deemed it necessary to come to me and start the conversation .

"Hi sweetie"

Pet name already ? Wow, impressive . He smelled like a whole bottle of vodka was floading through his veins and that wasn't an euphemism .

"What do you want ?" I tried to sound a little nice but my patience had its limits and I didn't come here to be catcalled . Streets were already doing their job .

"I jus- I just want to talk you know yo-you're prettyyy" he said so close to my face I could get drunk through his breath .

"Well thanks but don't waiste your time on me" I tried to end this conversation as quickly as possible but he looked desperate to stay with me . Attracting drunk guys was my superpower, how great .

"Come on wh-why don't you want to talk to me ?" he insisted obviously not aware of what consent was .

"Because I don't want to and that alone stands for a valid reason" I stepped away but he of course stepped closer and he was really starting to piss me off .

"Oh but whyyy ?" he almost shouted .

"Because we play in the same team"

"Wh-what does it mean ?" he asked his sad puppy eyes full of incromprehension .

"Don't bother, you're too drunk to understand that" and with that I left him in the middle of the living-room surrounded by other drunk people he could get along with just fine .


The third glass of a cocktail I didn't know the composition of wasn't a good idea . I started to feel dizzy and my eyes were so blurry I couldn't determine which way I was walking . I needed water, lots of water . But first I needed to find the kitchen and right this moment it was probably the hardest mission of my entire life . I was groping along the corridor trying not to break anything when a voice came to my ears . It was a soft and kind voice as if the person talking paid attention that every word crossing her mouth was as soft as a feather .

"Hey do you need some help ?"

I knew that voice and I could recognize it between thousands .

"Ayla ?" I managed to say her name with an horrible squeaky voice .

"Not drunk enough to forget me I see" she chuckled putting my arm around her shoulders "come on let's get you some water"

I was too waisted to say anything so I let her drive me to the kitchen her perfume invading my whole being . She filled a glass of water and handed it to me making sure I drink the whole thing . 

"You should be careful what you drink when you're alone it's dangerous" she said crossing her arms on her chest .

"Oh so you're gonna give me a lecture now ?" I asked sounding way harsher than I wanted to .

"Actually yes I am, why do you drink so much when you know you can't handle alcohol ?"

"How do you know I can't handle alcohol ?" I asked looking at her trying to keep my eyes open .

"Senior year, Jake's party, you would've been puking all around his house if I hadn't make you sleep and hydrate yourself with something else than pure vodka" she stated letting her arms fall by her sides .

"You remember this ?" I asked trying to find the memory of this party in my troubled mind .

"Yes and more than you do I guess" she said curtly "One more glass and you were ending like this random guy who talked to you sooner"

"Wh- did you see this ?" I asked surprised I didn't notice her earlier .

"Umm y-yes I... Anyway you should stop drinking" and with that she was out of the kitchen leaving me alone my empty glass of water remaining in my shaky hand .

This unexpected conversation sobered me up like no aspirin ever did making me realize how rude I'd just been to the only person at this party who cared about me . I ran through the house trying to find her tapping the shoulders of every black-haired girl that passed me by . I finally found her in the lobby, she was putting on her vest, her car keys clattering in her hand .

"You're leaving ?" I asked loosing any kind of composure .

"Yes I am, why ?" she asked clearly annoyed .

"No just... Thanks for... Giving me water"

She huffed "You're welcome, what are you doing now ?"

"I think I'm gonna go home too" I said walking towards the coat rack .

"Tell me you're not couting on driving right now" she looked at me with this severe look of a mom scolding her child .

"I didn't take my car" I replied struggling to fing my stuffs in this amount of clothes .

"Did you walk to come here ?"

"I did, like to walk"

She looked at me for a few seconds not saying anything before she spoke again .

"Well I'm not letting you go home by yourself it's too late, come on" she took my hand without waiting for an answer and guided me to her car parked under a big old tree .

"You don't have to drive me home" I said when she reached for the passenger door and opened it for me .

"Yes I do, you're waisted, you're a girl and it's past midnight, so I know it's sad, I know society sucks but we can't change it in the snap of a finger" she said all that without taking a breath her eyes locked with mine .

"Well... depends if you're a violet titan or not" I replied holding back my laugh .

"What ?" she asked apparently irritated I didn't take her seriously .

"Wait, you haven't seen Endgame ?"

"End- wh-what is that ?" she asked again walking to her side of the car .

"Okayyy that's a cruel lack of culture"

"Aimee ?"

"Yes ?"

"Climb in this fucking car"


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