6. Truth or dare ?

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Party was at 8 I was clearly late and nothing in my closet seemed to fit . I threw all of my clothes on my bed unable to decide what to wear . The . Same . Shit . Every . Saturday . But this Saturday felt different . This time I knew she would be here and this time she would not see me waisted . I know I shouldn't make efforts, I shouldn't consider what other people would think about me but I couldn't help it I needed to have other people's appreciation . After struggling for twenty more minutes I finally put on a black dress with way too much strapes I could barely figure out how to put it on and climbed into my car . It was pouring outside and my heels would not allow me to walk straight more than a few meters . I drove for fifteen minutes before parking in front of the same big house with those tower-like sides and this way too big swimming-pool I almost drowned in one day .

Inside, everybody was dancing or singing but mostly drinking and screaming desperalty trying to hear one another . I waited in the hall not knowing where to go when someone grabbed my shoulder making me suddenly turn around .

"Aimee ! You came, I thought you decided not to ! I'm so glad you're here !" Justin was once again almost shouting and the same smile he had a few days ago appeared on his face again .

"Hi, sorry I just had something to do !" I said loud enough for him to hear me .

"That's fine ! We're doing beer-pong you wanna join us ?" he asked but didn't wait for my answer already taking my hand guiding me towards what seemed to be an other living-room .

So here I was, stuck between Justin and a tall guy I didn't know but whose name was apparently Eric, trying to throw a ball into a cup of beer . And let me tell you, I was actually pretty good at it . I still hadn't drink a single drop of beer when the other team were already finsihing their fifth cup . Justin was cheering me up as if I had just won an olympic medal putting his hands on my shoulders as to encourage me before every shot I took . I found funny that a guy I barely knew was making so much efforts in supporting me to win a silly game of beer-pong but he was actually kind of nice and having him at a party where I didn't know a single soul was quite reassuring . Maybe after three years of college did I finally make a friend . But I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when someone entered the game . She sneaked between to tall guys who -from the very moment they saw her- moved aside as if a queen had just walked in . And she was actually looking like a queen . Her black curly hair was swinging in her back, her green eyes were shining with the same glow they've always been shining with and she was wearing a red outfit, not a dress, just a red silk top and pants making her look like a true model .

"Aimee Queen playing beer-pong, that's a first" she said almost whispering as if she wanted me to be the only one hearing this .

"And I thought you weren't drinking" I replied as low as she did completely in awe .

"Oh I'm not drinking" she said smirking .

"Are you assuming that I'll lose ?" I asked trying to keep a straight face at a moment I was definitely not .

"I am" she replied calmly turning a ball in her hand .

"Come on Aimee you can do it" I heard Justin -who I completely forgot for a few seconds- said behind my back .

I focused on my goal 'throw the ball, don't miss the cup' I thought to myself . I looked at her before looking back at the table . I was shaking it was obvious but I couldn't let her see she was my weakness . And after all, that was just beer-pong right ? It was easy, just throw the ball . I bend over the table but so did her, the vapor of her perfume coming to me faster than the speed of light . I threw the ball but I tragically missed the cup from at least a meter . I heard my team sigh of defeat and I looked at Ayla's proud face . She pointed to the cup in front of me, smirking, telling me to drink without even speaking . I took the cup not looking away from her for a single second and drank the whole thing in one go . She smirked before turning around walking away from the table, disappearing into the crowd of drunk people .

I tried to find her, roaming in those long halls that never seemed to end but I couldn't spot her among all the people hanging around . I eventually stopped searching when Justin came to me -again- asking if I wanted to come play truth or dare . That wasn't a game I really loved but I had nothing else to do so I followed him with the weird impression that this wasn't a good idea . We arrived in a small room -that seemed to be the only small room here- where some of Justin's friends were gathered on the floor forming a circle around an empty beer bottle . It took me a few seconds to realize that she was here too, sitting next to some guy I didn't know . They were close, like really close . I felt a small pinch in my heart, small but still, it was here and it was enough to make me feel weird . I tried to avoid her gaze but she kept looking at me so my eyes eventually met hers before she quickly looked away . Making any situation awkward was my superpower .

Justin sat next to me and started the game by turning the bottle which pointed a blond girl who chose action and had to do a weird dance in front of us . After that a guy nammed Louis and who was obviously a bit drunk had to sing My heart will go on from Titanic and he put so much energy in it that he almost passed out on the couch after finishing the last verse . I was starting to enjoy this game when Juliet a small girl who -as well as Louis- seemed to have alcohol instead of blood floading in her veins had to do a revival of Romeo and Juliet balcony scene with an other girl nammed Camille . After many other awkard but funny performances and some deep but probably fake confessions the bottle pointed Ayla who smiled shaking her head probably thinking of what she would have to do . Louis who suddenly woke up from his little coma spoke up asking Ayla the fateful question .

"Truth or dare ?"

"Umm dare, I don't trust you guys" she chuckled putting a hair strand behind her ear as she always used to when she was embarassed .

"Okayyy" said Louis with his drunk voice "Youuu kiss Dean"

"Oh come on, are you five ?" she replied annoyed but amused by what seemed to be the most classic dare of all times .

I had no idea who Dean was until he put an arm around Ayla's shoulders saying something that made my heart skip a beat .

"What's wrong ? You don't want to kiss your boyfriend ?"


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