7. Under the tree

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" What's wrong ? You don't want to kiss your boyfriend ?" he asked his mouth so close to Ayla's cheek he was already almost kissing her .

"Not now Dean" she tried to whisper but everybody seemed to have heard what she said .

"Come on why don't you want to kiss me ?" Dean insisted wrapping his arms around an obviously uncomfortable Ayla .

I wanted to punch him in the face so hard, I wanted to shout all sorts of insults, I wanted him to stop tightening his embrace as if Ayla was just a thing he owned . He was laughing while trying to kiss her when she was clealry not willing to kiss him and everybody in the room seemed to find it funny too, everybody except for me and her . I couldn't stand this, I had to say something .

"Stop that she doesn't want to kiss you" but at the same moment she spoke too, more shouted actually.

"Dean fuck off !"

She suddenly looked at me with this mix of surprise and gratitude in her eyes living me frozen . I didn't know what to do or what to say, I didn't know if I even needed to say something . There was this silence that had replaced the other's laughters who were all watching us not saying anything . But after a few minutes she stood up and almost ran out of the room making sure to make the most noise possible before slapping the door behind her . I wanted to go after her so hard, I wanted to make sure she was okay .

"And you are ?" Dean asked out of nowhere clenching his jaws .

"I'm Aimee" I answered trying not to show how much I wanted to hit him "Now if you don't mind I'm gonna go before you force me to stay like you force girls to kiss you"

And with that I stood up too and walked out of the room with Justin right behind me .

"Aimee wait ! I'm sorry about Dean he is drunk and-and-"

"And what Justin ?" I was almost screaming "Dean is not the only problem right now"

"What do you mean ?" he asked desperatly trying to understand why I was so angry .

"Dean was not the only problem" I said "You all were, no one reacted to Dean forcing Ayla to kiss him, you were all laughing, do you realize how bad this is or do you consider that as his girlfriend kissing him is one of her duties ?"

"I-I don't know what to say I-"

"Better not say anything I think" I replied holding back the tears threatening to fall .

I left him alone in the hall running around the house to find Ayla but she was nowhere, it was like she just disappeared . I thought that she may have come home but her car was still here and it was still raining outside . I decided to go out and look for her anyway . The night was dark, the temperature was freezing and the rain was falling harder and harder every minute . Just when I thought I couldn't find her I heard a light noise coming from the trees surrounding the house . I approached slowly and spread out the branches, leaves falling at my feet . She was here, sitting alone under a big old tree holding her knees close to her chest . She didn't looked at me, she just shifted leaving me room to sit next to her . I didn't know what to do . Should I talk or should I just say nothing ? After a few seconds of silence she was the one who talked first .

"You were right" she said so low I could barely here what she was saying .

"About what ?" I whispered myself feeling that she needed calm .

"About walking... It's nice to walk" she said holding her knees tighter like she was trying to protect herself from everything surrounding her .

I didn't replie, I just looked at her, rather admired her . So many emotions were running through my mind right now . I was angry, I was sad, I was scared and I wanted her not feel all of this . I wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her that she was okay but it was clearly not the right moment . She was shivering from head to toe, raindrops falling down her body . That's when I noticed she was just wearing her red top being probably frozen on the spot . I blamed myself for not thinking about it sooner before taking off my jacket placing it on her shoulders .

"Thank you..." she whispered tightening my jacket around her trembling body .

"How do you feel ?" I asked trying to make sure she was fine, at least the most fine she could be right now . 

"I... I feel like I'm suffocating..." she looked at me with teary eyes silently calling for help .

"I know it'll sound stupid but try to take deep breaths" I said turning towards her "Inhale..."

She closed her eyes slowly filling her lungs with fresh air before exhaling like she was throwing away all the anxiety she had in her . After a few breaths she stopped shaking little by little and opened her eyes again .

"Thank you that wasn't stupid..." she said again her voice being stronger than a few minutes before .

"You're welcome" I replied relieved she was feeling better "We should go it's getting late, want me to drive you home ?"

"That would be nice..."


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