21. Snowy kiss

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I woke up at noon and judging by the other's faces we were all exhausted . We all went to bed around 4am but I stayed at the piano for a while longer playing as quietly as possible the notes echoing like raindrops in a cave. Music was a true medicine and I forgot how good it could make me feel. But a voice I hated suddenly felt like knives to my ears as Dean entered the house looking like a huge mess and I couldn't hold back any longer, I couldn't stay here and say nothing when he completely abandoned Ayla yesterday night.

"Where were you?!" I shouted almost running to him.

"Wow why so loud?" he put his hand on his forehead closing his eyes.

"Why so loud?! Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"Hey calm down missy you-"

"Excuse me?! Calm down?! How can you ask me to calm down?!"

"Justin can you tell her to-"

"Dean honeslty you deserve it so don't even try to get me on your side" Justin said sitting on the couch his arms crossed on his chest.

"Okay so everybody's is against me right?"

"Yeah and I think we have a good reason to!" I was now screaming and I felt like nothing could stop me from saying what I had to say.

"Hey! I can scream too alright, what the fuck is going on?"

"What is going on? Do you remember yesterday night or were you to drunk to notice that your girlfriend was not safe?!"

"What are you talking about? What's going on with my girlfriend?"

"You're girlfriend has a name you deep piece of shit, and your girlgriend would probably be who knows where right now if we hadn't been here! But of course you don't give a fuck, you didn't even bother asking how she was, the only thing you worry about is you, you and only your shitty self!"

"Okay now listen to me, she's 23, she knows how to care of herself an-"

"She's 22!" I cut him feeling blood ruuning through my veins at a dangerous rate.

"Wh-what- who cares?!" he shouted.

"I do!" I shouted back "I do, I care about her more than you'll ever do! How can you be so selfish?!"

"I'm whatever the fuck I want to be, you're overprotective, and who is she to you anyway?! Why are you so concerned about her?!"

"Because I lo-because I-I"

I wanted to scream so hard, to break everything around me, to cry all the rage I had in me, it was boiling inside my chest.

"Because she's my friend! That's why I care about her! But you can't understand! You can't because for you she's just a trophy you can take with you everywhere!"

"That's not true!"

"Oh really?!" I laughed nervously "So can you tell what's her favorite song? Her favorite color? Her favorite movie?"


"Still loving you by Scorpions, pink but only light pink and The Hidden Figures is her favorite movie!" I was out of breath I felt like was about to faint but my feet were deeply stuck in the ground.

"You..." his voice was suddenly lower .

"Shut up" I whispered tears invading my eyes "Shut up..."

I was about to explode my head was ringing so hard and my eyes were getting blurrier every second, I had to go outside, to breathe, to let my anger vanish in the air. I ran to the door and once I felt the cold air on my face I let tears roll freely down my cheeks sobbing like a child alone in the forest. I couldn't say how much time I ran in the woods but I was stopped in my tracks by a voice calling me, her voice...


Ayla's POV (earlier)

"Okay now listen to me, she's 23, she knows how to care of herself an-"

"She's 22!"

"Wh-what- who cares?!"

"I do!" I shouted back "I do, I care about her more than you'll ever do! How can you be so selfish?!"

"I'm whatever the fuck I want to be, you're overprotective, and who is she to you anyway?! Why are you so concerned about her?!"

"Because I lo-because I-I"

"Because she's my friend! That's why I care about her! But you can't understand! You can't because for you she's just a trophy you can take with you everywhere!"

I had been standing in the doorway of my room after being woken up by Aimee screaming. I didn't move nor made a single noise, only the tears on my cheeks were betraying my feelings as Aimee was giving everything she had to defend me, to protect me and that's when it stroke me harder than I could ever imagine. I'm not in love with Dean, I never was and I would never be because someone else had taken my heart and this person was Aimee...

I was so shaken up that it took me a few seconds to realize she was running out leaving silence invade the house as she slammed the door behind her. I had to go after her, I ran downstairs meeting Dean's eyes, he wasn't sad or afraid, he was just angry, angry that someone could've talk to him like that but I didn't even pay attention to him, I just wanted to find her . I met the cold air of December and felt snowflakes fall on my hair, on my face, it was freezing but nothing could stop me right now. I ran into the woods out of breath but I found the strengh to call her name "Aimee!" .


Aimee's POV


I turned around and saw Ayla running towards me her face reddened by the cold. She was getting closer and closer as every inch between us disapeared in her race, I felt like she was never gonna stop running, like her life depended on it. But she did stop, smashing her lips on mine wrapping her arms around me and suddenly all the fear, all the rage vanished, heat invaded my body as she kissed me harder every second. I took her face in my hands her lips still locked on mine, we were crying but not from sadness, it was relief, relief to finally accept that this wasn't nothing, this was something, something that we were finally ready to accept, to cherish, to feel, together...

"I'm sorry..." she whispered taking her breath.

"Don't be..." I hugged her not wanting to let her go, I didn't want to lose her again, she was part of my world and she was one of the most important ones.

"Aimee I... I don't how I didn't see it before, why I didn't realize that it was you from the beginning, from the very first time we met..."

"From the very first time?" My head was so confused "We met-"

"Four years ago, I know" she gave me a small smile "The first day we met you asked me what was my favorite song and when I answered Still loving you you told me you loved it too and from this very moment my heart knew, I know it sounds stupids but it's true, I'm still loving Aimee Queen I never stopped, I was just too scared to admit it..."

"Ayla..." I couldn't look away from her, she was beautiful and her words were even more "I'm still loving you too..."


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