11. A table for two

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I've been staring at my phone for what seems like an hour now my finger frozen above the 'send' icon . It was just a simple text, just four little words, four little words that took me ages to type . At this moment I thought about Mrs.Gailor and asked myself 'What would she do ?' and soon enough the answer came to me that she would probably send it no matter what . So I took all the courage I had in me and clicked on that fucking arrow .

Aimee : Hi how are you ? :)

I coudn't keep my eyes off my phone for a while longer but I also realized that she was probably in class not able to answer me . Or maybe she didn't want toa answer me . Maybe she finds me annoying . Maybe she thinks I'm weird or- okay no . Stop . I was overthinking again, I needed a distraction, something to keep my mind away from this, from her . I opened the window, the fresh air, like a small breeze, carressed my cheeks calming my nerves . It was just a text, she was just a girl . I took my laptop and opened Netflix . I scrolled for about half an hour before choosing a random action movie I didn't know . After a few minutes I started to understand why I never saw this movie, I was slowly falling asleep at how boring it was . Only the explosions were keeping me awake . But suddenly, something else than an explosion caught my attention, I just heard my phone beeping making me jump ten feet away from my bed . Was it her ? Did she answer ? Well take your phone you stupid thing . I took my phone slowly turning it around as if I wanted to check the screen was not broken .

Ayla : Hello :) I'm okay, you ?

Should I answer right now ? Should I wait for an hour ? Two hours ? Not wait at all ? I decided not to listen to the little voice in my head and followed my instinct .

Aimee : I'm fine !

Shit . What was I supposed to say next ? I had no idea how to text someone else than Leah, my sister or my parents . Should I ask her what she was doing ? Or ask her about her day ? God I'm so bad at it, how do other people do ? Did they receive a book to help them out and they forgot to give me one ? Come on Aimee you're twenty-one you're able to text someone . But before I had the time to overthink more than I already was I received an other text from her, the one who knew how to interact with other human beings .

Ayla : Thanks about the other night, and by the way I forgot to give you back your jacket could we meet someday so I can give it back to you ?

Okay think fast . You're welcome, of course... yeah okay .

Aimee : You're welcome, no problem, pleasure to help ! My jacket yes you can give it back to me, whenever you want !!!

Wait . Did I just typed that ? And did I just send that ? Pleasure to hel- who says that ?! I was screwed, this was the worst text I ever sent to anyone . It was ridiculous, I was ridiculous .

Ayla : Tonight 7pm Pablo's coffee ? :)

If you're looking for my brain it ran out of my body and flew to a beach in Australia . Did she just asked me to meet her tonight ? 7pm ? Pablo's coffee ? A smiley ?

Aimee : Okay ! Great ! I'll be there ! :)))

That was too much wasn't it ?

Ayla : Cool see u ;)

My heart turned into a soup of cheezyness and excitement but I needed to keep a cool head . It didn't mean anything, she just wanted to give me back my jacket, that was absolutely normal . I tried so hard to keep calm but I couldn't help but to jump everywhere squeaking like a squirrel . I got to see her again, not at a party, not where someone was trying to kiss her, not where she was freezing outside in the rain . I got to really see her, to see her when no one was around and that alone made me happy, I felt happier than I had been in years . And it was just because of her . But anxiety also started to show its face . I was scared, scared to let emotions take control again and scared to fall for her again . But I was older now, it wouldn't be the same, it couldn't right ? I was supposed to be a grown-up, I wasn't supposed to let feelings invade my heart . But how ? She was driving me crazy without even knowing it, she made me lose my mask, this mask of fake confidence I put on everytime I was among other people .

7pm... Okay she should be here . Maybe she decided not to come, I mean it would be perfectly understandable . Or maybe she forgot, it isn't that important for her actually, she just wants to give me back my jacket . Yeah no big deal . She's probably not coming but-


Her soft voice breaking the silence made me jump, I turned around and saw her smiling at me my jacket in her hands .

"Oh hey, how are you ?" I asked more uncomfortable than at my fifth grade dance recital .

"Great, great... Oh umm there you go" she handed me my jacket her cheeks a bit redder . She might be cold .

"Oh thank you" I said taking it in my hands so slowly we coul've freeze here .

"Well, thank you" she insisted on these two words .

I was unable to say something ( as usual ) but for the first time since I knew her she seemed unable to talk either . She was looking at me with the same little smile she greeted with me a few seconds ago . It took me the biggest amount of courage to finally put words some words together .

"Should we... go inside ?" I asked afraid she would just run away . Maybe she just wanted to meet in front of Pablo's coffee because it was a place we both knew . Maybe she didn't want to spend time with me at all . Why di-

"Yeah, definitely, it's freezing" she chuckled starting to walk towards the small coffee .

"Okay..." I whispered trying to keep decent composure as I followed her inside .

"Hello" she said entering "A table for two please"


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