Forest - [Percy]

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"What do you think happened to him?"

"Are his kind supposed to be knocked out when they dream?"

"Don't be ridiculous. And besides, we are all of his kind. Don't you ever get knocked out when you sleep?"

"Is that a trick question?"

"Oh, shut up."

Slowly, Percy's eyesight returned as he let out a heavy groan.

"What in the name of Hades~?" he said out loud.

His sight finally cleared out of the cloudy veil, and he was surprised to see a couple of white bunnies looking at him strangely. Percy's head tilted a bit to the side.

"What're you looking at?" Percy asked.

Both bunnies grew anxious and started to bounce out of the teenager's line of sight. They reached a tree stump and disappeared under the hole embedded in it.

'That was weird...', the raven boy thought.

He made an attempt to stand up, but when he did, Percy fell down on his side.

'Why can't I stand up?', he thought, confused.

He tried again, but it ended in the same result. His sea-green eyes peered down to inspect if he had anything stuck to his feet when he felt his heart stop completely.

Where his tattered khakis and black and white sneakers were supposed to go, were replaced by long and scaly black legs with pitch-black claws and paws.

Percy let out a yelp. He bounced around, and sure enough, those were his legs. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a long reptilian tail that slithered behind him, two leather tail fins stuck to the sides and a pointed tip at the end.

"What the-?"

Seeing a pond close by, he tried to run to it (failed miserably), and stared down at his reflection.

He... wasn't himself. He was gone.

What was he staring at right now?

He knew he was him, but wasn't sure what he was.

Long ear-like projections stuck to his cheeks, a sleek snout with an elongated mouth that seemed to stretch out to touch at his eyes. And speaking of them, they had changed from the usual circular sea green ones into slit feline eyes, still holding on to the original color.

Two holes in the front grew and deflated whenever Percy breathed, so his guess was that they were his nasal holes.

He could make up small details like sea green ocean patterns going around the base of his face, and down to his neckline. In the middle of the ocean tattoos, he saw an ocean blue trident etched in its full glory, a few millimeters above his chest:


Percy shook his head, trying to make himself wake up from this crazy dream.

It was one thing that he constantly dreamt of being back in Tartarus, but being mutated into some sort of lizard was just a step too far.

It was at that moment that he had a crazy thought. If he had indeed been transformed into some lizard animal, then did that mean he was...?

He didn't want to think much about it, but he slowly looked at his back, and sure enough, a pair of bat-like leather structures were laying on top of his long sleek back.

Percy jumped up and down, shook viciously, and even ran himself across the ground on his back, to try to get the leather wings off.

'Maybe they aren't mine', he thought.

But whenever he stopped to take a breath of oxygen, the wings remained etched to his back.

So, his worst thoughts have been confirmed. The mighty Hero of Olympus, a demigod from one of the Seven, and the mayor Seaweed Brain had been reduced into a lizard that could fly. A dragon.

He groaned once more. "How am I going to get out of this one?"

Being changed back into a human couldn't be an easy task, that much he was sure of. But then again, most of his life had been impossible, so being turned into an animal can't be as bad as trying to stop Tyson from hugging his mom the first time Percy had presented him to her.

At the sudden memory of seeing his half-brother and mother, Percy's usual easy-going mood blunted.

How was he supposed to find out what had happened to him? And by the looks of things, where he was at?

As far as the forest-like area he was engulfed in seemed to stretch on to forever, there wasn't a single clue of life other than scared bunnies. It was all tall and dense evergreen trees, overgrown grass, and fallen logs here and there.

Suddenly, a tree to his left started to shake, leaves falling to the ground.

Curious, Percy held a low stance and walked to the tree, inspecting it. Once he was at the base of it, the tree stopped to move, and Percy felt his ears go upwards.

Out of nowhere, a huge net made out of rope and strings caught him off guard, and before he could chew out of the trap, people dressed in weird clothing pointed their weapons at him.

Percy stared at all of them, seeing that most held out axes and swords, while others had loaded bows and crossbows.

'They seem like nomads', was the only thing Percy could think out of them.

Then, he saw how the men led way to a tall man, wearing a long metallic arm where his left arm is supposed to be, and dark almost black-furred clothes. His long black hair blew against the wind, and he held a dark grin.

Instantly, Percy knew that this man could not be trusted.

"What do we have here?" the man before Percy asked in amusement. He knelt down to see him clearly and grinned even more. "If it isn't our lucky day, a Night Fury!"

He let out a loud laugh, and the rest of his troops laughed as well. Then, he stood up tall and spread his arms wide.

"Men! Today, we celebrate the capture of the most valuable dragon member in our Army! A wild Night Fury!"

All of the men cheered and caused roars of approval. All the while, Percy tried to break free from the trap but the man, seeing the Night Fury struggling to break free, pressed his foot down on Percy's snout and lowered his voice dangerously low.

He then let out an intense growl of his own and said darkly, "You are mine now."

The fact that this man actually had just captured Percy while he was on the oblivion made the sea green-eyed teenager rage without limits. As if his situation couldn't get any worse, a man had to take him prisoner, and no doubt would he be kidnapped too.

He tried to shuffle even more and pushed harder. If he would ever break out of the trap, he would push this man into the deepest pits of Tartarus over and over again.

The man above him, who still didn't have a name, growled once more and shouted orders to his crew. "Dart the beast!"

Before Percy could comprehend what was going on, he felt a slight prick at the back of his neck and started to feel drowsy. Then, more mild pricks as if he was laying on a cactus were felt in his tail, legs, and back.

The more pain he felt, the more sleepy he was getting. Percy fought to stay awake, but not even he could've done so if he had been injected with a lot of deadly sleeping darts.

His muscles gave out under him, and he finally fell limp.

Dots once again danced around his line of vision, and he saw the same man's face a few inches from his to grin maniacally at his tired state.

"What did I tell you beast? You are mine now."

Percy's vision faded out.

How To Be a Dragon (Mythological Dragons Crossover Part #1)Where stories live. Discover now