Human - [Annabeth]

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If someone had ever told Annabeth that she'd been transported into a world in the past, ride on top of her flying boyfriend, and heading straight towards a Godzilla-sized Alpha dragon, she would've slapped that person's head into sense.

Oh, how weird the world is.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" a voice made the teenage demigod glance towards her right, where a short guy with black straw hair sat atop a rather small creature, its purple color glistening slightly under the gloomy Sun.

If Annabeth remembered correctly, these species were called Scuttleclaws. And based on how they didn't follow the Dragon Rider's orders, she was thankful enough to be on top of Percy.

Uh, not to be taken too much into account.

As Annabeth's face flared up at the thought, she decided to focus entirely at Hiccup, who was shaking his head in disapproval at his fellow friend. "I told you Snotlout, if you're not comfortable distracting the dragon, then we can get someone else to do it."

"Of course I'm comfortable! I just think you guys need extra backup with getting to Toothless."

A snicker broke out in the middle of their conversation. "Well lookie that, Friend Snot is scared of a big ice-breath, Titan-class world-crushing dragon."

"Don't forget mind-controlling," Ruffnut piped in. At this, her twin nodded then gasped.

"Wait, can we be controlled to? I knew something was up when the dragon started controlling things with his mind! I felt it too! As if my mind was being taken into madness."

Snotlout turned to the twins, a poker face painted across his features. "Funny, seeing how you don't even have a brain."

The others either groaned out or glared at the arguing trio. Annabeth couldn't blame them. Even though she has had plenty of experience with people who had less cognitive thought than a newborn baby, somehow these two lookalikes managed to get into the daughter of Athena's nerves. Annabeth was more than glad that she didn't have to be around them on a regular basis, or else she might be the one losing her sanity.

A shroud of heavy silence fell upon the group as they saw a small Scuttleclaw appear through the fog, carrying two people on top of it. Jason had a grim look on his face, looking as if he had seen something he clearly didn't want to. Meanwhile, Leo was busy toying around with some mechanisms, trying to ease his mind of whatever was happening back in the village.

Hiccup forged his dragon forward. There was a preoccupied aura surrounding him completely, and Annabeth felt it too. "What's going on there? Is everyone okay?"

Jason shrugged indifferently. "Everyone's fine, they're just hiding in some Great Hall or something. As for the damages done, well I can say that you're gonna need to hire some new builders this season."

"There was a lot of ice too, but that seems kinda out of place," Leo contributed, finally looking up to face the Dragon Riders. Even though he was trying to keep a slight smile on his face, Annabeth could clearly see the struggle behind her friend's eyes.

Something bothered him.

As she refocused on Hiccup, Annabeth could see how his face had paled. Not only his, but his girlfriend's too. Her eyes then scanned towards the rest of the Vikings, and sure enough, they seemed to know what was going on.

Suddenly, Hiccup's face hardened. "We can't stand around much longer. We have to defend Berk from Drago and the Alpha. If we follow the plan perfectly, we might have the upper hand in this."

"Yeah, Drago and the Alpha will be like this, and we'll be like this!" Tuffnut exclaimed in glee, placing a knuckle over his other hand's palm. While he grinned like crazy, Hiccup turned to face his identical twin, who was staring at him with an annoyed glare.

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