Counterattack - [Hiccup]

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Sometimes, Hiccup likes to go back in time and remember all of the crazy people he's met in his entire lifetime.

There was Bucket, who like his name suggested, had a bucket on top of his head for quite wacky reasons (stupid, yes, but at least he had a point to it). Then there was Dagur the Deranged. His name was enough to explain the whole concept of him.

Funny though, he'd never thought of a female character as crazy as the blonde-haired Annabeth who was currently shoving a small knife at Drago Bludvist's throat like it was nothing.

Either she was really brave or really stupid. It was unclear which.

The raven-black haired teenage boy standing beside Hiccup didn't seem to mind about this situation at all, even claiming she had fought off something called, "tell my hines." It might be wrong, but at least that is what Hiccup understood.

It all went downhill the moment the lunatic blonde decided to call Drago a name, making his eyes widen in disbelief, a fire burning from deep within. Instantly, he used his bulky nature to throw the girl off to the side, making her tumble out into the ground and loose grip on her knife. The newcomer snapped back to reality as he saw Annabeth struggling to get up, the brute force in which she was thrown back like a rag doll affecting her physique. As he stood by his side and help her up, Hiccup could see the rest of the Dragon Riders stand close to the Berkians, their weapons sheathed out in case Drago tried any other funny business.

The rest of the Vikings were standing around in a half-circle, watching the entire scene unfold with curious gazes and fearful expressions. Some had decided that the zone was too dangerous and were backing away, while the others decided to stay put in case another fight broke out.

No one would've predicted what happened next though.

As the new Chief-in-charge was about to question this whole situation, the tall, dreadlocked-haired man stood up, the air surrounding him being easily palpable as one of rage. His beady black eyes pierced through Annabeth's skull like it was a lance tearing through wood, making said girl's demeanor hesitate.

While the forest-green eyed Dragon Rider had deemed it foolish for her to be going against a man too powerful for her to handle, it was impressive to see the short-tanned girl try to face off a foe like Drago Bludvist.

The sly grin that the man gave to her made Hiccup's blood pressure go downhill. "My, my, you out of all demigods know that calling out a god's name out loud isn't good luck, Annabeth Chase."

Annabeth was able to stand up properly with the help of the tall teenager, whom Hiccup still didn't know the name of. She tried to hide her hurt behind her stony grey eyes, but even for the son of the deceased Chief, it could be seen as clear as day. "That norm was thrown out of the window the moment you identity-confused lunatics made us fight a war that wasn't our own, to begin with."

This made Drago's face scrunch up furiously. Meanwhile, the guy supporting Annabeth by wrapping an arm around his neck stared down at her with an uneasy look. "Wise Girl..."

"Shut it, Percy," she snapped back, surprising the raven-black teenager. "I'm tired of all of this. He dares to travel back in time so he can create wars for his own pleasure? He dares to ally with a lost person so he can come out on top?"

This made the deranged madman let out a roar of laughter. He then proceeded to clap his hands loudly, immediately attracting all of the Viking's attention. "Well, you aren't a daughter of Athena for nothing. And answering your questions, they're true. Why stay in the present where nothing good ever happens when I can go back in time, where the good fights were always around the corner?"

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