Raid - [Hiccup]

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If there was one word Hiccup would use to describe what he was feeling at that moment, then he would use perplexity and anger.

Okay, they were more than one word, but you get the point.

Being mounted on top of his best bud, soaring over the deep blue ocean that seemed to encircle the tiny island crawling with reptiles and Vikings alike, Hiccup would always describe this feeling as one close to electricity.

Adrenaline pumping up his heart, tiny goosebumps forming smaller versions of pyramids all around his arms, and the overwhelming feeling of being in a state of happiness; nothing holding you back, the wind and sky your best friends.

And of course, Toothless in the young Viking's case.

However, his negative emotions took over his usual positive demeanor. Thoughts of his village reduced to a big pile of broken rock and wood, Drago Bludvist's apparent Dragon Army, and leaving Astrid in an almost broken state certainly left him to worry for everyone and throw a fit of curses to the gods above.

He swore to Odin if the Norse gods decided to throw another problem at his way...

A pacific growl coming from his raven dragon friend managed to break him from his thoughts. Hiccup's forest-green eyes stared forwards, small butterflies instantly bursting inside of his heart when he realized that both dragon and rider had arrived at their destination.

Initially, Hiccup sailed off of Berk because of his gut feeling telling him to go East. Funny, right?

Nothing in his brilliant mind managed to explain why he felt this huge need to go to a specific direction. More so, not knowing why he was supposed to head there.

But mid-flight, he quickly realized what his instincts had prompted him to. A familiar glacier, turquoise clear icicles perfectly sticking out as if to stab any trespasser. Not only was the size of it astoundingly enormous, but the contents inside it made it even more extraordinary.

Flying through a narrow path, Toothless and Hiccup managed to fully enter inside of the glacier. Once completely inside, the familiar sunny atmosphere combined with the chilly breeze that the ice gave off hit his exposed face and hands.

Hiccup immediately felt protected; this place let his frustrations to completely melt away, like a block of ice exposed in broad Summer daylight.

Toothless on the other hand, sprung towards his brethren. His long snake-like tail wiggling slightly and his mouth curled up in a playful smile when he began to play with a female Monstrous Nightmare and a male Hobblegrunt.

Something felt off though. As the Son of Berk's Chief began to scan the entire environment, a tingling sensation inside him set out all sorts of alarms. Sure, he felt safe, but something about this entire landscape surely left him wondering.

Where was she?

As if someone had read his mind, he felt a slight tap on his right shoulder. Surprised, he spun around on his heel and had to look upwards to find the source of the tapper.

A rather large dragon with a set of double bat wings was perched on the glacier's walls. His yellow eyes viewed Hiccup with interest, cocking his sharp head to the side in curiosity. Using a hooked weapon, a woman managed to stay on top of the dragon, her smile brightening as she locked eyes with her only son.

The dragon began to help her down, as she said, "Welcome back, Hiccup. The dragons missed you."

True enough, dragons began to gather around the two humans, suddenly interested in them and leaving their normal activities aside. Which were basically only eating and sleeping.

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