Valhalla - [Astrid]

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No one dared to speak a word. Even though Drago's men were still crying out in victory at the Chief's death, it appeared as if all sounds had been blocked off by Astrid when she saw the horrifying scene being portrayed in front of her.

A buff man wearing a long animal fur coat, horned helmet, and a dented ax lying a few feet from him was tumbled over on the snowy ground, unmoving.

Involuntarily, the light blonde Viking girl let out a gasp mixed with her current emotions: incredulity, shock, and sadness. She defied her brain to not think that Stoick the Vast was indeed gone; she dared her mind to keep on replaying the same thing it mentioned, "gone, gone..." by piercing her sky blue eyes at the man's downed body so he could miraculously move.

But whatever she did, nothing changed the fact.

Stoick was clearly dead.

Her eyes then trailed to where his son and newfound wife were, just by his side. It was the first time Astrid had ever seen Hiccup crying, and he couldn't stop the long trails of salty droplets once they were down his cheeks.

She reacted and managed to walk where they were sitting. Snaking a hand around his shoulder, she tried her best to comfort him.

It was difficult to do so, however, since they were staring at a dead man right in front of them. Astrid had never experienced loss before, so she was unsure what to say or what to do. It seemed that the young Viking, however much she always had a thing to say, had been left speechless.

All around, the Dragon Riders along with Gobber, who'd been fighting on the battlefield, kept their gazes down and began to take off their helmets in respect for their Chief. Out of all that surrounded the group, the only one who seemed joyful of this event seemed to be Drago.

He gave a sly smile at their cripled states. "This is your Chief? How could he have been the ruler of Berk, if he couldn't manage to save himself? If I were made Chief since the beginning, none of this would've happened! I am a god, a warrior who has been through countless battles and finished in glory! I am-"

Suddenly, a clang sounding of metal rang out and Drago fell face-first into the snow. A tanned blonde short girl gripped onto the hilt of her small dagger, a displeased look spreading around her stormy grey eyes.

"I do not care who you are, but you are disrupting something that you clearly do not belong in," she said out loud, her voice dripping with venom. "If I were to guess, this is the perfect time for you to leave the premises."

Annabeth then knelt down to his face and placed the knife a mere inches from his throat. "Or else, you'll taste the material this weapon is made of. And I highly doubt that a 'god' like you wouldn't feel it."

Astrid's eyes widened at her friend's statement, both glad and mortified that this short girl had the guts to threaten a man as dangerous as Drago Bludvist. Judging by her tone of voice and actions, Annabeth might've seen men like him before, and was just as angry by finding out the Archipelago had a madman as well.

Drago glared daggers at the girl, standing up slowly and glowering at her. However, Annabeth returned his gaze and stood her ground. "I don't care about you," he stated, his voice being dangerously low. "All that I needed right now has already been given out to me. Dragons. And most importantly, Berk."

He then turned his pitch black eyes to Hiccup, where he dared to glare at the crazed lunatic. "I will be Berk's new Chief. Have fun trying to return back to Berk alive, without your dragons."

With that, he walked to a writhing Night Fury, whose eyes were dilating at an alarming rate. The dragon seemed to be having an internal battle with himself, and even at times, he growled sadly at Hiccup's direction. Astrid knew for a fact that he regretted blasting the young Chief-to-be's father, but whatever the giant dragon in the distance was brainwashing his brain, it didn't let him think straight.

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