Chaos - [Astrid]

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'Uh oh', was the only thing the young blonde teenager Astrid thought when she realized that yet another Night Fury creature would be living amongst her and the Vikings.

She was confident the dragon meant no harm (and that he actually liked them all), but she had been hoping for Hiccup to offer that he should be better off somewhere else; like Dragon Island or Dragon's Edge, where they could keep an eye on him all day.

Waverider was very intelligent and behaved like a normal human would most of the time, but that didn't mean that he was human completely. Astrid knew that, just like the other dragons, the raven scaly dragon was bound to screw up badly by setting fire to something.

She wasn't exactly sure if she would tolerate that if she was honest with herself.

But questioning the Chief or his son's judgments in front of the entire village was something Astrid knew should not be done. Maybe if she asked Hiccup to see her after he was done with the Village Leaders' meeting...

"Astrid!" a voice called out her name, making the young blonde to snap out of her little questioning with herself and look everywhere in confusion. She was so into her thoughts, she didn't even register which way the voice had come from.

Finally, she laid eyes on Hiccup, who was currently jogging at her with a tilted grin. Astrid's heart fluttered the way it is supposed to do when you see your lover, and she slowly felt her cheeks warm up. Even though they have been dating for a while now, Astrid always felt like flying above the clouds without Stormfly and soar straight towards the Sun.

A pretty cheesy thought, but it was the truth.

Her boyfriend stopped a few inches from her and brightened up. "Hey, I was looking for you. You left while I was giving my speech kinda early. You okay?"

To say she had the best boyfriend in all of Berk, was an understatement. Astrid knew she could always rely on Hiccup to make her feel better, whether it be freezing cold and snowing, or burning hot. Whatever the occasion, it always seemed like her loved one was always there.

Her heart fluttered again, but she kept her embarrassment inside. "To be entirely honest with you, I don't think so..." she took a deep breath before she stared directly at Hiccup's vibrant green eyes and continued. "I don't think that Waverider should be in the dragon stables. Heck, I don't think he should be in Berk at all."

The son of the Chief's eyes widened. "Really? Why not?"

"We still don't know much about him, Hiccup. He might be all friendly and cute right now, but what if it was just a facade and turns wild afterward? What will we do then?"

At this, he pondered hard. Astrid wanted to see what Waverider could do or where he had come from as much as the Dragon Riders, but she felt there was something off about him. The dragon had mysteriously appeared all of a sudden. If there was another Night Fury all this time, Astrid was sure someone would've attempted to try and capture it since a long time ago. Why now?

Finally, Hiccup let out a defeated sigh. "Listen, I've gotta attend the Village Leader's meeting. I'll think about where we should station him. Meanwhile, I trust you the most to keep an eye on Waverider, okay?"

Astrid thought a lot about this. There were two possible outcomes: One, she could be relaxed knowing that the dragon wouldn't do some funny business while in her supervision, but still be reluctant about how aggressive Waverider would be. Or, she could send someone else from the Dragon Riders to check up on him, assuring her safety. But of course, all of them sent alarms in Astrid's mind. The most responsible of them all would be Fishlegs, but she knew that if the dragon was fierce, he would most likely chicken out and let the dragon loose.

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