Island - [Percy]

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The moment Percy was given a new name, he couldn't react any other way than grinning a toothless grin.

It was the fact that not only the kids seemed so fascinated by him that made Percy warm up to them, but also because they had helped him even though they looked like they had no clue as to what was happening.

The raven dragon was still trying to figure out how the boys and girls could see through the Mist; specially because they looked like regular teenagers and didn't show any special abilities (if you crossed out the ability both twins had for fighting each other earlier).

As the sea green-eyed creature flew alongside the gang of dragon riders, he found himself thinking deeply about what to do next.

'I can't show myself to these people', he thought. 'Even though Iris probably meant fo help these kids, and also trust them, I can't yet. I've just met them.'

After a few seconds of this being thought of, Percy's ears went up in the realization that he had just done a reasonable thought, which never happened. He mentally smiled. If Annabeth were here-

Oh. Right. She wasn't.

His ears immediately flopped down, his face slowly forming into a sad expression. Percy's confident and happy flying slopped into a dull one. The guy riding beside him, Hiccup, noticed this.

"Hey, what's wrong bud?" the forest green-eyed leader asked. "You looked so happy then sad all of a sudden."

Percy only looked upwards, still maintaining the grey aura. How was he supposed to tell him, when he was changed into this lizard state? In any other situation, he would've been hyped by the fact that he had been turned into some cool Fergus-like dragon himself, but now that that implied that he was alone... it only made matters worse.

'I have to be happy,' the dragon demigod decided.

It seemed kind of unfair that even though this was the second time the Fates had decided to separate him from what he considers his family, that he would be sulking around like a huge assortment of scales and leather. No, for the sake of his friends, the young hero had to stay positive.

Even though he didn't know what things could possibly be categorized as positive.

Being turned into an animal that apparently could only talk to goddesses? Does that count as positive?

"There it is!" a guy's voice rang out, making the Sea god's son waver away from his own thoughts. He felt his slitted cat eyes to refocus on what the Dragon Rider, the one riding atop the long-horned red reptile, had said out loud.

A few dozen kilometers away from the flying group, their eyes rested on a huge open area with tall rocky structures rising around various spots on the ocean. Thanks to Percy's new sharp abilities, his eyes could clearly see brown structures going all over the tiny valley, a huge one radiating power sitting at the very top of what seemed a village. At the bottom of it all, laid a series of wood roads built onto the rocks that led the way to a big docking system, boats being loaded or unloaded by people.

The whole place reminded Percy of an ant farm, where tiny ants would crawl through holes and deliver food to their queen ant. He'd seen one when he was studying Biology with Grover back at Yancy Academy.

'That seemed like so long ago', Percy thought to himself. He was thankful that he wasn't a human though, because he, later on, realized that he actually said it out loud. It came out like a low unhappy growl, yet if he was his usual self, he was sure the rest of the Dragon Riders would look at him as if he were Medusa's son.

The blond girl, Astrid, motioned her dragon to be flying alongside Hiccup and Toothless, Percy's lookalike. She laid a hand atop the demigod's head, which utterly astonished him. He definetely wasn't used to being petted like... well, a pet. But the way the girl smoothly scratched his scales, and the friendly smile she was giving him... Percy couldn't help but to let a guttural purr.

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