Escape - [Astrid]

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Astrid had always loved Viking weapons as much as the next Berkian. Some would say her admiration and care for them could almost be compared to that of taking care of Hiccup or Stormfly.

And as much as she loved the two, there was no denying that her heart could also belong to her lovely ax passed down to her by Hofferson clan.

Now, she was to make sure she would throw away the thing.

The moment her electric marble blue eyes snapped back into the world, she received probably the worst "welcome-back-to-reality" warm-up ever.

A wince left out of her mouth as she tried to wave away the killer headache inside her. If blacking out all of sudden didn't embarrass the girl enough, being the one treated to health was on a whole other level.

Sure, she felt gratified that someone- her already knowing who that person was- was taking care of her, but it still didn't waver off the fact that once she had been the one in critical condition. Well, this and among some blind issues.

Her body felt like a rough sack containing heavy anvils. Trying to sit up in what she could only assume was a makeshift bed was harder than what she had anticipated and took her a huge amount of energy just to lay her head above her pillow.

The blonde girl grimaced sharply when she tried to position herself. Her ribs were aching deeply, almost making Astrid let out a huge groan of both annoyance and agony. It felt like her chest was being crushed; slowly but hard enough to knock out the air from her lungs, the throbbing pain never leaving her.

Once again, she felt useless. Something that has seemingly been common to her these days.

Her frail hand traveled to the rims of the blanket laid over her, and in a swift motion threw the heavy cloth to the side to check herself out.

She had been worse than this, but it still worried Astrid to see her fair legs look so bruised and cut. From what she could remember, she had last been on the huge dragon stables trying to keep Waverider at bay, when the ground started to shake violently. The rest seemed to be very blurry, but she could make out small scenes like Hiccup instructing her to get them out of there, and Toothless following close by.

At the sudden brain activity, her mind shot out a wave of nausea and confusion. A pained groan left the young Viking, instantly regretting over her decision of sitting up. And remembering too.

In order to distract herself from her own misery, she instead focused on inspecting the room she was currently in.

Her breathing hitched when familiar objects started to click on Astrid's memory field. Papers with drawings of inky black dragons were stuck to the wooden walls, a table with an infinite amount of crumbled up sheets and inventions were literally littering its surface, a tall library stood a few feet from it...

Astrid looked behind her, and her assumptions were soon answered. The bed's wooden headrest was a soft beige color, Viking runes decorating its sides. She even remembered whose blanket it was, given the recognizable green color of it.

She was at Hiccup's house. Where he currently was, was clearly beyond her.

The blonde teenager let out a sigh tiredly and ran her hand through her hair. So, she had been inside a crumbling cave, been knocked out by something she couldn't recall correctly, then taken back to Berk where she had been resting at her boyfriend's home.

Speaking of which...

Astrid was ready to swing her feet to the floorboards when the front door suddenly opened carelessly. Her back tensed when she saw a rather large Viking entering the room, carrying what she could only assume was something for her.

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