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I came to the studio early to practice my solo. It's been a while since I danced for myself, since I danced just for fun. I missed it.

The feeling that dance give me feelings I can only feel when I dance.

I chose a song called 'where everybody go' because I feel like it's the most appropriate at this time.

I saw James walking inside but I kept dancing until the song was over.

"That was amazing." James said, walking towards me, when I finished dancing.

"Thank you. But what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here until you pass your maths exam." I said, out of breath.

"True." He held up his paper with a B+. "Bam!" He said excitedly.

I smiled widely and then jumped in his arms. "That's amazing." I said pulling out of him.

"Not just a B, a B +." He said proudly.

"That's awesome James."

"Well, you know what that means, right?"

"Yeah, you're back in A troupe."

"True, true. But also," he took a step closer to me. "It means you owe me a date."

Don't tell James, but I may be a little excited. And also kinda nervous, it's James. And me.

When James walked inside rehearsal everyone jumped on him, hugging him. And he pulled out, claiming his not a teddy bear.

"Now might be a great time to let you know who the newest member of A troupe is. Okay, the 10th member of A troupe is... Giselle!" We all turned to look at her walking inside happily.

I know how amazing she is. She's gonna do great.

"Okay, guys, me and Izzy talked and we think it's good if we'll come up with a new routine for regionals." Steph said.

"Why?" Kate asked.

"Emily shared our old routine with people at Elite."

"We were talking earlier and maybe we can include Michelle and Eldon's duet." I said.

"That's great idea. Go work in studio b."

Michelle and Eldon went to dance and we stayed in studio A, working on a new dance.

Kate helped us, and in the middle she noticed Daniel is marking the steps and not really dancing and I think she really yelled at him.

For our date, James told me to meet him at studio A. I don't know why.

I walked inside and I saw a lot of things in the studio. This is where our date is. "Really? Here? It's not very romantic." I complained.

"What? There's more to it than you think."

I'm always here dancing, being a dance captain, I don't want my date to be here.

"Trust me, okay? Here. Take this." He pulled out a little book.

"What is it?"

As soon as James pulled out a passport I'm a little more interested.

"Where did you get my yearbook photo?"

"Your mom loves me, Iz."

Maybe he put a little bit more effort to it than I thought.

"Okay, sorry." I said.

"It's all good. We're gonna have fun. I'll show you."

James pulled out the chair, helping me sit down.

"We're gonna eat a bunch of food from different countries, and I'm gonna stamp your passport when you'll eat it." I chuckled. "So what country do you wanna go first?" He asked me.

"Surprise me." I said.

"Okay, I think we're gonna go to America first. Because I love the burgers."

I've always wanted to travel the world. So James definitely has my attention now.

"I have to stamp your passport first." He said and then he grabbed the burger from the food table.

After America I asked to go to India. And then France and Italy and Africa.

We just ate and talked the whole night. We talked like we hadn't for a while.

As the night continues on, James asks me to dance.

He took my hand and pulled me against him to a slow dance. I leaned my chin on his shoulder and we danced slowly.

I looked up at him and he tilted his head slightly and kissed me. I smiled at him and then put my head against his chest again.

It felt good. Not embarrassing at all. Not weird. The fact that he's my best friend just made it easier.

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