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after working on our duets for a while we're now back in the studio audition for the duets.

Amanda and Giselle went up first. they were great but i still think me and James have a good chance.

West and Tahlia went up next. they both dance different styles and that's what was beautiful in that dance. but they've never worked together. and West tripled when he was doing the flip. that's a shame.

Emily and Hunter went next. i think it was too sharp and clean. they didn't let themselves do anything serious.

when me and James danced i felt like we did great. me and James has a lot of chemistry since we were little and it is fun to dance with my boyfriend.

James: our duet is about our relationship. i mean it's a very passionate dance.

it's basically a hurricane of love, and in some ways love can be so crazy and out of control. but then in other ways it can kinda fix together and work.

when we finished everyone clapped. "you guys have out done yourselves." Kate said. "alright we are done with duets. so move on to solos. we would
love to see miss Chloe."

when Chloe danced my heart was screaming. she danced so beautifully and she was so clean and emotional. i loved it.

Daniel danced next. he was good. he looked steady than usual.

Michelle danced and she put on her best moves. Michelle is a great dancer she's gonna do so well if she'll get it.

Eldon danced next and he was better than usual. he was so good. he wants it so bad. he looked so hurt and that made him better.

"you guys! i can't believe that you get better and better every year. you're blowing us away. we must be good teachers or something, i don't know." we all laughed at her comment. "anyway Phoebe and I are gonna go make this very tough decision. we'll be back in a few minutes."

they walked inside the office. "Izzy." James said to me.


"i have to go to rehearsal with Beth right now."

"okay." i said quietly. "we have a few minutes can you not wait? i'm just really nervous."

"i know, iz. i'm sorry." he kissed my cheek and walked away.

i'm not crazy about the whole James and Beth duet thing, i honestly have mix feelings about Beth. but i trust James.

i stood next to Riley really nervous when Kate and Phoebe walked inside the studio and said that they have made the decision.

"alright first, we start with the boys. our male soloist is going to be Eldon." Phoebe said and we all clapped for him. he really deserves it.

"now the female solo was a very tough choice. Chloe you came in a very very second close second but we're gonna give the solo to Michelle." we all clapped for her. she was amazing.

"and the duets—" i squeezed Riley's hand so hard. "Izzy and James!"

i screamed happily and hugged Riley. i just wish James was here to be happy as well.

i can't believe we actually got it. i think we deserve it.

"we're gonna hold auditions for the small group next week." Kate said. "good job guys you were great."

i'm really excited to tell James it's gonna be great to celebrate this opportunity with him.

i walked over to studio b to tell James the news. their duet music was on but when i walked inside the studio they were kissing and i could just feel my heart break.

i let out a quick breath and just ran away from the studio.

i don't even know what's happening right now. i just walked in and they were kissing. i don't know, maybe he still has feelings for her. i knew this duet was a bad idea. i cried. i thought he loved me.

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