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James and I walked inside the studio because Kate called us for an emergency.

"what's this emergency about?" James asked when we walked inside her office.

"as you can see Beth is outside really upset that she didn't make it."

"yeah it's just terrible." i said sarcastically.

"anyway, to cheer her up i signed her to a duet competition but her partner Charlie bailed on her. that is why i brought you guys in. James, i would really appreciate it if you stepped up and decided to be her dance partner for the competition." i looked over at James with annoyed eyes.

James should not take the duet. i don't wanna say anything cause Kate's right there but hopefully he'll say no.

James: i don't know what to do. because i look over at izzy and she didn't say anything and kate really needs this done i can tell.

"sure." James said.

"thank you i totally appreciate that."

"don't worry about it."

"why don't you go tell her the good news?"

"oh yay. such a good news." i said sarcastically.

"i'll catch you later." he said to me and walked over to Beth.

i don't get jealous. ever. but she makes it so unbearable.

i went downstairs to get a drink and when i came back up to studio i saw James and Beth dancing the duet.

seeing them dance it really close to each other just made me a little uncomfortable. they danced together in the past so of course they have some chemistry.

i cleared my throat to make him notice me and he did. "hey izzy, what's up?" he said to me.

"i brought you guys water." i said. "so how's things going?"

"good." james said.

"amazing. he's doing so well. i just taught him it and he's already got it." Beth said.

"i have this hip hop part i want to add." James said to Beth and i walked aside and watched them dance.

Beth and James do not work well together. James dance hip hop and Beth... well Beth is an idiot.

Eldon and West walked inside the studio and took James aside and Beth came over and sat next to me. it is very awkward and i don't like this.

"hi, izzy." she said cheerfully.

"hey." i replied.

"so, how is it being a dance captain? i want to a dance captain one day. do you think it'll happen?" she asked.

i looked at her with a fake smile. "sure." i lied.

eldon and west walked past us. "bye izzy." they said and walked out of the studio.

James and Beth kept dancing and they went through the hip hop part James wanted to add but Beth just didn't get it.

it was painful to watch her try to get it so i stepped in.

"umm, sorry." i stood up and walked over to them. "would it be too much trouble if i did the dance and then maybe you could like see it?" i asked her.

"yeah the makes sense." Beth said.

"you know the dance?" James asked me.

i took my shoes off. "i've seen it enough times." i walked over to James.

"let's do it." he said and the music started.

i did the dance so easily and when we reached the hip hop part it was going really well. it was fun to dance with James just the two of us, we didn't do it in so long.

James: dancing with izzy is much more comfortable because she hits all of it.

the whole dance is about a connection and it's very touchy and stuff. i'm glad i had a chance to dance it with him.

i know that when james and I dance together we just have this special connection.

james: i honestly hope i could dance this duet with Izzy.

when the music stopped and the dance was over i smiled at him breathless. "that was so good." i said and then hugged him.

when i watched Beth and James dance i felt a little bit insecure but now that i'm dancing with James i couldn't be more sure.

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