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i walked up to team after i got a text from Michelle. "guys. kate managed to disqualify Lucian. he's gone." i said and they all cheered.

Kate walked in and we clapped for her and she smiled happily. "come on, you guys need to get ready."

we walked to the wings, put our costumes and makeup on and waited for our que.

we walked in, the curtain is still down, warming up.

"izzy." eldon and west walked towards me.

"hey guys." i said to them.

"we just wanted to say... you're awesome." west said to me and i smiled.

"thanks. you're awesome too." they walked away.

james came up to me. "hey good luck, okay?" he said.

"don't need it." i replied and took my place.

then the music started and the curtain came up.

the concept for our finals routine is all of us are kind of like puppets and we're being controlled by west who is the puppet master.

we've come so far, we're giving it our all and it just feels unbelievable.
it just feels amazing to dance with the whole team on stage.

the music ended, with us collapsing each in his place and the crowd went wild. it's the loudest i've ever heard them. they all clapped and cheered for us.

having that final bow with everyone really made me emotional. this will be the last time we're all together as a team. and we've come so far.

we waited for Sweden to go on stage and then they did, with their amazing costumes and setting.

their concept of their piece is stunning. there are these nordic gods and they look so ethereal. it's really powerful.

we've never had to compete against a strong team as them and the only thing that makes it even scarier is that they still have their five point advantage.

as they finished their dance we were really nervous.

we went back on stage, Eldon and James on my sides, waiting for the judge's decision.

i've never been more scared in my life. this is all we've worked for.

"the judges have tabulated their scores and here are the results... the next step has scored a total of 97 points. and Stockholm Dance Theatre has scored 92 points. with the addition of five bonus points it's a tie."

i immediately turned to look at my team. we were all really confused. what are the chances? it was the first time ever.

according to the protocol a tie breaker calls for a duet.

we came off stage into the wings and the team turned to look at me and james. "it's all up to you guys." Eldon said.

"are you ready?" kate asked us.

we looked at each other. "yeah." we both said.

this means that everything is up to me and james. no pressure at all.

we had one hour to go through our duet before we had to go get ready. i am super nervous, my heart won't stop beating.

after we got ready, two of the Sweden team walked on stage.

james stood by my side, having the whole team behind us.

the swedish duet is so magnificent. i can't believe this is what we're up against.

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