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we all walked inside the studio and saw this lady dances to this really weird song with some really weird moves.

when she stopped dancing she sat on the floor in a yoga position. that was definitely weird. "Zive. ziva. ziva ziva ziva." she said and we all tried not to laugh.

"what are you guys doing?" kate asked walking in. "why aren't you guys warming up?"

"because we're watching this old lady dance." west said. "i think she's possessed." he whispered.

"she's not old and she's not possessed. she's my sister. Phoebe!" Kate walked to her sister and we all were surprised. "she's gonna be our new head choreographer."

"oh." we all said.

Chris has decided to leave us. i get why but it's gonna be weird. i wonder how i didn't recognize Phoebe, i saw her before.

"now that we all met Phoebe, i wanna talk about the challenge."

"i don't mind some competition." West said.

"no i think we should stick to this team." Riley said.

"actually, Izzy and I discussed it and we thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and do the challenge." emily said.

"if we do the challenge we'll have the best nationals team. nationals is competitive." i said.

we're gonna have the best 10 dancers. 12 but two is alternate.

"okay so all that are in favor of the challenge please raise your hands." Kate said.

Emily, Michelle, Eldon, Chloe, Riley West and I raised our hands. and that's most.

"okay. i guess we're doing the challenge." Kate said.

"oh, i love challenges. i remember my first challenge i got cut." Phoebe said.

she is definitely odd.

me and Michelle were walking inside the mall, we were meeting James and Eldon, when James and Eldon came behind us and James grabbed my waist. "hey babe." he kissed my cheek.

we walked towards the staircase and we saw Lucian yelling at Amanda.

"i'm the choreographer!" we all stopped and watched them. "your job was to make sure everyone will be ready to win. you're the dance captain. stop crying and listen to me, you're the dance captain! what did you do? you failed. so we're done." Lucian yelled at her.

"can i have another shot?" Amanda cried.

"no. you can't have another shot! matter of fact i don't even want you on our team. i don't wanna see you in my studio again." me and Michelle turned around and i had to pull James away from the situation.

i don't like her. at all. but that was really mean. i kinda felt bad for her.

we all sat in the juice bar, with West and Chloe also, when we saw Amanda walking in here. "what is she doing here and who invited her?" Chloe asked.

"i did." Michelle said.

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