bonus chapter (6)

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Riley drove like a crazy person all the way to the church they were getting married at.

i prepared my speech all the way there but i couldn't think about anything good enough.

Eldon texted that it started just when we parked and we ran inside the church.

as we opened the doors they were standing there in front of everyone. and i froze. i couldn't do it.

i saw Piper standing up to look at me but James' mom pulled her back down. no one wants me to crash this wedding.

what the hell am i doing?

"sorry." i said softly, looking at Riley and then sat down next to Eldon and the ceremony continued after all the whispers.

"do you, James, take thee Amy to be your lawful wedded wife?" the priest asked and that's when i stood up again.

"you can't, James!" i yelled and the whole crowd gasped. "you can't marry her. you're my soulmate. and when you came to me and told me you loved me i was so scared. but now i can't let you do this, i can't watch you get married." i looked at him. "you once told me that it's us against the world. that we're always and forever. don't get married." i begged him.

he looked at amy and then back at me and back at amy. "i'm so sorry." he said to her and then ran to me and kissed me.

my friends, and James' family cheered and i smiled widely through the kiss.

"come on." he said and we ran out of the church into the car that was meant for after and we started to drive away all the way to Eldon's apartment.

"i can't believe this is happening." i said through his kisses.

"i love you so much." he replied.

"i love you too."

James and I moved in together as soon as we could. we found a place near Eldon and it was great.

i started teaching at the next step for Emily and Michelle and i'm so happy. i think it might be the happiest i've ever been in my life.

"hi, Iz!" James yelled from the kitchen as i walked in our house.

"hey." i said back and walked to the kitchen. "it smells good."

"still cream mushroom pasta?"

"you know me so well." i kissed his cheek. "i love you."

"i love you too." he smiled at me.

i sat down on our counter and watched him until he turned to look at me.

"im gonna say something, and im not gonna make it a big deal." he said quickly, which got me nervous.

"what is it?" i asked with a chuckle.

"i've known for a long time how much i love you, Izzy. and as long as i can remember myself, i knew i would marry you in a heartbeat."

he pulled out a small box and opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. i looked in his eyes, with tears and a big smile and i jumped off the counter.

"you're my best friend, Iz. and i don't ever want to not have you by my side again." he got down on one knee and looked at me with a big smile. "Isabel Jones, will you—"

"yes!" i cut him off.

"you didn't even let me finish."

"i love you, and i wanna spend the rest of my life with you." he chuckled then put the ring on my finger which fits perfectly. "always and forever, J."

"always and forever, Iz."


i'm so sorry it took my so long to write the last bonus chapter, i didn't want this book to end.

i love this so much and i love you guys for reading it. ❤️❤️❤️

hope you enjoyed just as much as i did!!

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