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we were in studio A just finished a run of one of our dances with Miss Kate.

and then phoebe walked in with a big envelope. "look what just came in the mail. it's from internationals." phoebe said and Kate tried to take it away from her but she kept it safe. "no. it's my turn. you opened it last time."


phoebe opened the envelope and started reading it. "any round that ends in a tie will be decided by a duet battle."

"ooh, so who do you think our duet will be?" Kate asked us.

"well, you know West and I got a pretty good duet going on, so you know, i think we can made it work." West said.

"West and you?" Riley asked him.


"a duet takes two people."

"how about James and Izzy take the duet?" Tahlia suggested and i actually got excited that she said that.

i looked at James and smiled at him.

i'm actually really excited to do a duet with James, just because i know that we have very good chemistry and it will also be nice to spend more time with him.

"so, do you want to practice after rehearsal? put something together?" i asked him.

"i would, but right after rehearsal i've got band practice."

"oh, ok, why don't we meet here at three?"

"okay. here at three. deal." he high fived me for some reason but okay.

michelle walked in the studio. "hey guys." she said softly.

"hey." we all said back to her.

"so, are you staying or are you leaving?" West asked her.

we all know that there is a possibility that Michelle might go back to Madison with her mom.

"i've decided to stay." she said and we all laughed happily and then hugged her all together.

at three o'clock i went back to studio and waited for half an hour for James to show up so then i just went to the music room, and found him still playing.

"James." i said and made them all stop.

"oh, yo, what's up?" he asked me.

"hi, did you lose track of time again?" i asked him.

"why what time is it?"

"three thirty."

"three thirty. oh!" he said, standing up. of course he forgot. "i'm so sorry." he walked towards me. "i totally forgot."

"no, it's okay. but we still have 30 minutes in studio A, do you want to rehearse?"

"30 minutes. oh, thing is band practice is almost over. so maybe could we, i don't know think for some ideas out here?"

James's band mates started playing the guitar on full volume. "no, i can't. ADHD. meet me in studio A in ten minutes." i said and walked out of the music room.

sometimes i just wish he wasn't with the band and just spend more time with me.

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