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i was warming up when i saw Beth running over to James, grabbing his waist which made him turn around quickly.

i looked over at them annoyed.

"do you think i have a shot?" she put her arms on his shoulders but he took a step back quickly.

no. she most definitely does not have a shot.

i walked over to them. "hey Beth." i said, faking a smile.

"come on Iz, let's put our stuff away." James said to me.

"good luck Izzy." Beth said to me.

"don't need it." i said and turned around with James. "does she even know i'm your girlfriend?"

"yeah.." he said but i don't actually believe it.

Beth is not gonna make it to A troupe. over my dead body.

"it's time!" Kate said and everyone cheered. "round one for the auditions for the national team. everyone go to the sides make room for the solos."

Eldon went first. he did amazingly like i knew he would.

Hunter went next. he's a breakdown dancer. he was good. he was really good.

James went after. i knew he would kill it. he did all his best tricks and it just made me smile.

Riley went after. she's an amazing dancer. her technique just got better since regionals.

Charlie from b troupe went next. he was good. he was too much of a show up though.

then Beth. she actually danced well which made me a bit nervous.

Amanda went next and she danced really well. she's an amazing dancer she's just unbearable.

then four new danced really well but i don't know if they're gonna past.

Daniel went next and he did well considering his ankle.

Noah and Richelle from J troupe danced next and they were so good. they're insane. Richelle just kept turning and turning and flipping she killed it. i can't believe she's in J troupe.

West danced next. West is amazing i love the way he dance.

Steph, Giselle and Chloe after him and they killed it. the original team put so much effort.

"amazing!" kate said when everyone finished dancing. "you guys, holy cow, thank you so much that was awesome. you definitely brought it to the next level. we need to think about this for a bit so hang up for a while and we'll go back to you soon."

Kate, Phoebe, Emily and I walked inside the studio. "there is no way we're gonna be able to narrow it down to 12." Kate said.

"i don't know how we're gonna do that." Phoebe said.

"hopefully the choreography will kick some out." Emily said.

"oh it will."

my heart was beating so fast and my spot is safe. i'm concerned for my friends.

we decided Amanda can go to the next round even if me and Emily didn't like her as a person she danced well.

we decided Richelle and Noah are amazing but they're too young.

"Hunter?" Kate asked. "it could be uncomfortable with Michelle."

"i think he did good." Emily said. "at least to the final 20."

"i agree. i'm just scared it will cause drama." i said.

when we finished talking about everyone we walked out to the studio and everyone went silent.

"all right you guys. i have the list of who made the first round." kate said.

"you guys were all so fantastic it made our decision extremely hard. just keep reaching for the stars because not only astronauts can reach the stars you can have your own star too." Phoebe said and i was a bit confused.

"let's do this." kate said and began to read the list. "in our top 20 we have, Isabel, Emily, Eldon," i heard him sigh in relief and they clapped for him, "Hunter," everyone did the same for him and for the rest, "Riley, James, Chloe, West, Michelle, Giselle, Stephanie, Amanda, Jake, Cass and Morgan, Noah, Richelle, Beth," i hated that Beth made it but what can i do? "charlie and the final two spots goes to Daniel and Tahlia."

"give yourself round of applause!"

the next day Phoebe decided to open the day with meditation. me and Emily stood at the side and watched them all. James and West thought it was weird and didn't cooperate.

they all thought it was weird.

Kate hit the bongolo and Phoebe looked at her angry. "Kate you did it before it was time!"

"Phoebe let's go." Kate said.

"i wasn't done."

they all got up. "today is choreo day. excuse me!" she told James and West. "did i say you can speak? there will be no speaking while i'm teaching choreo do you understand that? we came here to dance. yes or no?"

"yes." everyone said.

Phoebe started teaching them the dance but they were all straggling. the choreography had to be hard for us to know who's capable to dance properly.

phoebe gave them 30 minutes to go through the dance with themselves until they'll perform and made the final cut.

i don't know if all the original dancers will be able to get through the cut.

"where is Steph?" i asked em.

"i don't know. but she has to come quick."

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