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i opened my email to check anything new and i was shocked to find out.

my dream school is in australia. i've always wanted to go there. but i never thought i would actually get in.

i walked around trying to find james and then i did. "james! james! you would never guess what just happened!" i said to him happily.

"what's up?" he asked me.

"i got in. to my dream school in australia! i actually got in!"

"iz, that's amazing!" he hugged me and then looked at me. "when did you apply?"

"earlier this month. i can't believe i got in."

"that's good, then next year will be easier." he said.

"what do you mean? i haven't decided if i'm gonna go yet."

"i think you should go." he said softly.


"i've doing a lot of thinking and next year... im gonna be with the bend."

"well, yeah, after internationals is over you'll have plenty of time to do both."

"no, you don't understand. once this is over... i'm gonna be just with the bend."

i took a step back with utter shock.

"i don't know what to say." i said to him quietly.

"you can say you're cool with that." he said nervously.

"i don't know if i can."

hearing these words come out of his mouth scared me. dance is what brought us together. it's the reason he's my boyfriend today. and hearing him say he wants to leave dance, it kinda feels like he wants to leave me.


"i gotta go." i said to him and walked away with tears.

i bumped into someone and i looked up to see riley. "woah, what's wrong?" she asked me.

i looked at her and then pulled her in for a hug, crying into her shoulder.

i don't know what to do.

the whole team was now on stage, warming up to practice our finals routine.

"hey, izzy." eldon came up to me and sat down next to me, stretching.

"i don't wanna talk about it, Eldon." i said to him.

"talk about what?" he asked innocently.

i don't know what to say about all this. this is the most difficult situation i've ever been in. 

"i just want to say," i looked at him. "whatever you decide, i got your back."

i smiled at him widely. "thanks, Eldon. i really appreciate it."

"of course. you're one of my best friends. i'm always gonna have your back."

i still hasn't talked to james since our talk last night.

"you guys are warmed up?" kate asked us. "alright, let's do it. today is the big day."

"it sure is a big day." we heard a voice and then turned to see Lucian, walking on stage.

"excuse me. what are you doing here?" kate asked him. "this is a closed rehearsal."

"yeah. not for an absolute dance internationals judge it isn't. that's right. i'm a judge."

how the hell is he a judge?

"you cannot be here. you need to leave right now." kate said to him.

"fine. i'm gonna go check out my judges table." he walked to the table.

kate looked at me. "rehearse. use the time, i'll be right back."

"okay, let's do it." i turned to look at my team.

after the rehearsal i walked to the back room, going over the routine by myself.

then james walked in, and i tried to stay in my own space head. i don't know if im ready to talk about it.

"izzy, i've been looking for you everywhere." he said to me and i looked down, avoiding his eyes. "is there something wrong?"

"just been thinking about what you said..." i looked at him. "i don't want to interfere your decision to chose band over dancing, if that's what you want but... i'm just scared."

he looked behind me and then a grin grew on his face. "i got you something." he said. he walked behind me and grabbed something, held it behind his back. "it's from a top of a mountain."

i smiled as he pulled out a water bottle. "natural spring water." i said with a laugh.

"yeah..." he handed me the bottle.

when james brings me the water from the top of a mountain it just kind of gives me a flashback to when we were preparing for regionals. and how different things were.

"izzy, things are gonna change." he said and i looked at him. "but we can't be mad at that. i mean... maybe it's for the better."

i can't wait to see where we are the next time he brings me water from the top of a mountain.

"you said i should go to australia."

"because it's your dream school, iz!i think you should go, but it doesn't mean i want you to leave." he took a step closer to me. "always and forever, remember?" i chuckled. "come here." he pulled me into his chest and hugged me.

"i love you, J." i said and he looked at me.

"well, i know." he said with a grin and i pushed him away. "i love you too." he put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me.

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