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we all gathered in Kate's office to watch a video which apparently is Hunter and Eldon's dance battle.

Hunter won at the end. i didn't know he was such a great dancer. i didn't know he could beat Eldon.

"the same person who brought that video to my attention actually suggested that Hunter would be the better male soloist. i think that's something we should decide as a team." Kate said.

i don't know if it's a good idea. Eldon got it fair and squared but i guess we could do it. Eldon is the best dancer in the studio.

"we all know how good Hunter is and we all know how good Eldon is. or should i say how much better Eldon is." James said.

"James is right, they both amazing. i guess the only way to settle this is by a vote. Hunter do you want the solo?" Kate asked him.

"of course." Hunter answered.

"okay. it's a really tough decision so i'll give you some time to think and we'll vote later on today."

"okay." we all said and left the studio.

i walked out with Riley and Michelle. "what do you think?" Riley asked.

"well, everything that happened between me and Eldon make sense now." Michelle said.

"who do you think brought it to Kate?" i asked.

"i did." she said and then we saw Eldon and he clearly heard it.

he looked so hurt. he scoffed. "are you serious?" he turned around and walk away from us.

"give me a sec." i ran away after him. "Eldon! hey wait! Eldon!"

"leave me alone, Izzy." he said and kept walking when i stopped.

i don't know who i'm gonna vote for.

later that day we all gathered in studio a. "okay guys, you've had some time to think about it now we need to decide if we're gonna do it open or closed vote."

"open." everyone said but i don't think it's a good idea.

"wait what's the difference?" James asked.

"an open vote is where we all see who everyone's voting for and a closed vote is where we can't." i said annoyed.

"thanks babe." he said smirking.

"do not call me babe." i said sharply.

"okay we're gonna do an open vote. that way everyone can see where everyone else stand."

"those who think Hunter should be the male soloist raise your hand."

i looked at Eldon softly before raising my hand. he's one of my best friends but Hunter was so much better in that video. he could give us an easy win.

Amanda, Riley, Hunter, Emily did the same as me and that means Eldon won. but then Michelle raised her hand voting for Hunter and that changed the game.

"it's official. Hunter you are the new male soloist." kate said.

Eldon got hurt and left the studio angry. i don't know how we'll get through this.

i walked over to Riley and Michelle and then James came over to us. "i can't believe neither of you voted for Eldon." he said.

"it was what's best for the team." i said.

"exactly." Michelle agreed with me and so did Riley.

"oh really? best for the team? or for you?" he said and walked away.

"what?" Michelle said confused.

"just ignore him." i said.

i walked around the building in order to find Eldon. i found him in studio B with James and West.

"hey guys." i said and they all turned to look at me. "can i talk to Eldon maybe? alone?" i asked.

"no." West and James said defending him. "you didn't vote for him now you wanna talk to him?" West said and i stayed silent because there wasn't much i could say.

"leave us alone." Eldon said.

"what?" James asked.

"let Izzy talk to me." James and West left and i was alone with Eldon.

"thanks." i said.

"don't thank me." he said sharply.

"Eldon, i can't apologize for what i did because i don't think i'm wrong." he scoffed at my words. "but i am sorry i hurt you. i know what that solo meant for you and I—"

"so why didn't you vote for me Izzy? you know me since we're 4 years old." he yelled. "when did you ever talk to Hunter?"

"i did what's best for the team."

"bullshit." i widened my eyes at him and he stood up. "i know you're hurting because of James. i know that you're the dance captain. but if you were with James would you still vote against me?"

"Eldon! you're not hearing me!" i screamed at him. "you lost the dance battle. we cannot afford you losing in nationals. believe me that it was a tough decision but when it comes to nationals i'm not anybody's friend. i'm the dance captain."

"what about your duet with James?"

"what about it?"

"the chemistry is gone, Iz. you know it, James know it, i know it. why don't you let it go?"

"i tried." i said on verge of tears.

"if you're doing what's best for the team you need to let go the duet."

"i tried, Eldon." now i actually cried. "you think i like working with him that way? he wasn't just my boyfriend he was my best friend. it's painful dancing with him without any chemistry. especially when two months ago we had the most chemistry at the studio. at this point i think i have more chemistry with a chair than with James. i tried to let go of the duet, Kate won't let me. i tried to forgive him, i tried to forget, but all i ever think about is them kissing in front of my face."

Eldon grabbed my body and pulled me into his chest. i sobbed into him for a while and it was comforting.

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