"What?! No of course not!" Y/N answered Liar she thought in her head.

"Okay! Just asking , because you couldn't take your eyes off him when we were on the boats" Merry said

"I was just looking out for a friend, he's just a friend" Y/N said looking at Merry who just smiled .


"We cross the lake at nightfall.Hide the boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the north." Aragorn said

"Oh yes?! It's just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil? An impassable labyrinth of razor sharp rocks! And after that , it gets even better." Gimli said and Pippin looked up alarmed. "Festering, stinking marshlands far as the eye can see!"

"That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength master dwarf" Aragorn said

"Recover my?......Phrrr" Gimli said sounding offended

"We should leave now." Legolas spoke quietly to Aragorn

"No.Orcs patrol the eastern shore.We must wait for cover of darkness."

"It is not the eastern shore that worries me.A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near..I can feel it!"

"No dwarf needs to recover strength!l" Gimli rambled on , looking at alarmed Pippin he said "Pay no need to that , young hobbit!"

Merry and Y/N returned with wood in their hands , laughing and talking. Until Merry looked around and asked

"Where's Frodo?"

Oh no Y/N thought she completely forgot about this.


Y/N went off into the woods shielded with a sword and a bow in hope to find Frodo and Boromir. Instead she found Boromir , on his knees, wailing and mumbling something.

"Boromir?" Y/N asked

"Y/N! Oh Y/N i made him run away , i thought he was gonna betray us! I couldn't control myself!" Boromir yelled

Y/N put one of her hands on his shoulder and the other one on his face in an attempt to make him look at her .

"It's fine. It's okay. Calm down we have to go now because something bad is about to happen" Y/N said , she knew she didn't calm Boromir down one bit , but to be honest she was always horrible at comforting people.

"What? What's going to happen Y/N?" Boromir asked but it was to late. Y/N dragged him with her not answering any of his questions.


Legolas , Gimli and Aragorn were fighting against the Uruk-Hais. Legolas shot three Uruk-Hai with quick bow work and Gimli landed a blow with his axe. Legolas looked around and noticed Y/N wasn't there. Where is she? Legolas thought but those thoughts were soon cut off.

"Aragorn! Go!"Legolas yelled , trying to shoot as many Uruk-Hai as possible.


𝑇𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒𝑑 / 𝐿𝑒𝑔𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑠 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑓 (1) Where stories live. Discover now