The King's Obsession [Episode 23]

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AN pov

The king matched towards the special cell where his favourite prisoner was held.

Namjoon: he has a high temperature and he is saying that his stomach aches.

Jimin: how are you feeling, myung-soo?

- Jimin asked with a mocking tone.

The brunette glared at the king.

Jimin: your flares remind me of someone, someone that is close to me.

Myung-soo: when are you letting me go.

Jimin: I was planning of execution m but seeing you desperate to see light makes me excited to torture you more, prince.

Myung-soo: you've my sister, don't you?

- the expression on kings face turned into displeasing.

Jimin: hoe do you know?

- myung-soo laughed at the kings question.

Myung-soo: my instincts.

Jimin: she's here for you, isn't she?

Jimin grabbed his chin and made him to look up.

Jimin: I will destroy your whole family, Kim.

Myung-soo: I'll kill you before you touch any of them.

Jimi: prince, you're imprisoned for the crime you have done three years ago.

Jimin: You took love of my life away from me, you spied on us. Because of you, Busan and Daejeon had a war and I almost lost my elder brother and father.

Jimin: You were just jealous of me because she loved me! You killed her!

Jimin: Do you love your sister as much as you do love Lisa?

Jimin: Your sister or one sided love?

Everyone went quiet when you entered in the kitchen. You felt awkward when you felt their stares with disgust written on their face. You slowly walked near Dahyun who was sitting next to Hana.

Dahyun: Do your work, ladies. Don't stare at her.

-Dahyun scolded other maids and let out a small smile towards you.

Dahyun: Are you okay, Y/n? Y/n: Yeah, I am fine

Monica: Obviously she would be okay. Who won't be unhappy after getting laid by a royal warrior and cherry on top, it was a King itself

Dahyun: Monica! Watch your mouth.

Hana: Let her bark, Dahyun. She's just jealous. Get some life, monica. You're jealous of princess. King likes her

Y/n: Nothing happen between us.

Monica: As if we believe Dahyun: We believe in you, Y/n.

-Dahyun patted your back.

Dahyun: Me and Hana are going towards Queen Luna, she needs us in her room. Y/n: Okay.

Monica scoffed when she glanced at your beautiful face. She was obviously jealous of you. She poured the hot, boiling soup in the bowl for Queen Erica and stood up and made her steps towards the door.

???: Hey, watch out!

-One of the maid screamed when suddenly Monica stumbled as her foot stepped on her own long gown.

You quickly turned around and saw the bowl of soup tilting down towards you. As a quick reflex, you moved away from it and catch the bowl with your bare hands.

Most of the soup fall on your palm & fingers making you hiss in pain. Monica fall down on the floor and the bowl from your hands dropped down

Monica screamed when the soup fall on her face. Monica: You fool. You poured the soup on my face!

???: Oh Monica, we all saw you stumbling near Y/n on purpose. Don't blame her when your plan backfired you.

???: Some of you take her out of the kitchen and send her towards medic.

-One of the maid came near you and hold your burned hands.

???: Calm down, Y/n. Your fingers are just burned, it seem not much serious. I'll apply some curd on it to cool down the burning sensation.

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Jimin: Come in.

-Jimin said when he heard a soft knock on the door.

Hana: My lord, you wanted to take bath?

Jimin: Why you're here? I was expecting my personal maid to be here.

Hana: S-she is resting in her room, my lord

Jimin: *sigh* I dont feel like taking bath. You can go.

Hana bowed towards the king and exited from his chamber.

Jimin: she's really mad at me? Huh?

- The king got up from his seat and made his steps towards the door.

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